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    • 37437
    • 147 Posts
    I just downloaded and installed XSPF Jukebox 0.1.1; fantastic snippet. I am now trying to customize it a bit and have a question about the parameters needed to custom set the artist and song title information that displays. Using ’&format’ in conjunction with ’-creator’, and ’-title’ does not give me what I need (the creator is being listed as ’media’, rather than the artist name, and the mp3 title is the name of the mp3 file, rather than the actual song title ) Is there a way to specify custom ’creator info’ and a custom ’title’ for each individual track in the player? I read through all of the snippet parameters but remain a bit unsure about how to do this.

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    - Marconi
      • 6408
      • 58 Posts
      In answer to the question, this is what I have discovered. You add the tag: &useID3=`1`to the snippet where you are calling the Jukebox. So, for example if you had an ’audio’ page, you would add the snippet call:

      [!XSPFjukebox?skin=`iPodBlack`&useID3=`1`! ] to render the ipod black skin with the playlist. Your playlist information should be added to each mp3 track before you upload them. (You can do this in Windows Vista by right-clicking on the mp3 file, select ’properties’, then ’details’.)

      Note: the jukebox application generates an xml file(called xspf_generated_playlist.xml) in the (assets/media) folder (or wherever you are storing your mp3s) which holds the MP3 label information (the id3). If you add or remove tracks you should delete this file so that it does not show inaccurate information / old tracks you may have deleted.