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    • 21788
    • 12 Posts
    Hi --

    I’ve developed several sites in MODx but now I am developing one that needs to interact with a database.

    Simplified description:

    Admin can access a form on a MODx page that will write to the database (about 20 fields.)
    Admin can see a "summary page" of database entries (5 fields), and click to read, edit, or delete an entry.
    Admin can search the database from the MODx page.

    Public User can see a "summary page" showing only three fields of the database.

    Paid User can search by location and then see both a summary (6 fields), and click through to see the whole entry.
    Paid User (in a future phase) can search by mileage, say, 25 miles from their home, and see locations in the database within that distance.

    There will eventually be over 6,000 entries in the database.

    So --- that’s my project, in a nutshell.

    My question is -- do you have any suggestions about a server-based database I should look into? Do you recommend I try to use MySQL for this purpose, or is there a different, easier software or add-on you recommend?

    I’m a total newbie with databases and just beginning to explore how to do this. I am a fast learner, but your initial suggestions are really appreciated.

      • 21788
      • 12 Posts
      Okay, a little web searching later... I’m leaning toward buying this book...


      And diving in. Any thoughts?

        • 9130
        • 171 Posts
        Considering you are using Modx for the website, Mysql is already installed on the server and part of the environment so its pretty clear you should stick with it. Its a very common tool and it would be easy to find help and examples on using it.

        6000 records is considered a pretty small database you should have no problems with that. I’d suggest you just add a few custom tables to the Modx database depending on how your data is structured. You most likely don’t need a separate database.

        Doing things like entering ,editing and viewing the data are standard stuff and are easy, I’m sure you could find examples just searching these forums. The thing that needs most consideration is the search, do you allow the user to search only by certain fields or will it be a full text search (like google for example)? Things like searching by proximity are more complicated, I suggest you leave that to a later stage when you have a better understanding of the problems involved.
          • 20413
          • 2,877 Posts
            @hawproductions | http://mrhaw.com/

            Infograph: MODX Advanced Install in 7 steps:

            Recap: Portland, OR (PDX) MODX CMS Meetup, Oct 6, 2015. US Bancorp Tower
            • 21788
            • 12 Posts
            Cool. I’m leaning toward using phpMyEdit using the link you gave me:


            I like the extra features of phpGuru Table Editor, but I’m not entirely confident I could manage the installation. Your suggestion above seems to have the best documentation that will get me through this. Thanks!
              • 21788
              • 12 Posts
              eForm2db sounds sweet, too!