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    • 27302
    • 154 Posts
    Has anyone here managed to get Disqus working with their ModX site?

    I have put it on one of my sites http://www.coolactiv.com but I am having an issue with my other site http://www.simonwyndham.co.uk whereby it keeps giving me the message "This page could not be reached by Disqus. If you are testing locally or on a password-protected page, please use the disqus_developer parameter as detailed here.." where the comments box should be. The Disqus site itself is useless for help.

    I was running both sites on I have upgraded the second site now to Evolution and the problem is still there. The only other difference between the sites is that Cool Activ is running with Host Gator while my personal site is with 1and1. Both sites are using the same ,htaccess file. I can’t for the life of me work out what is going on with it.
      • 14230
      • 3 Posts
      Hey I would like to use Disqus too. Have you figured out what the issues were?
        • 27302
        • 154 Posts
        I couldn’t get to the source of the issue. In the end I had to switch it to Developer mode to get it to work.