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    • 22840
    • 1,572 Posts
    Been having a little play with the division by zero error and have managed to stop it, still get the little pop up box but there’s no errors showing under the tables now.

    $report_name = '<b>Month</b> Views & Duration';
    $ga = new gapi(ga_email,ga_password);
    $output .= '
    <div class="tab-page" id="tab-'.$report_name.'">
    <h2 class="tab">'.$report_name.'</h2>
    <script type="text/javascript">tpUser.addTabPage( document.getElementById( "'.$report_name.'" ) );</script>
     <div class="sectionBody">
      <th>Pageviews per Visit</th>
      <th>% New Visitors</th>
      <th>Visit Duration ( Mins:Secs )</th>
    foreach($ga->getResults() as $result){
    $day = substr($result,6);
    $month = substr($result,4,2);
    $year = substr($result,0,4);
    if($result->getPageviews()>= 1 && $result->getVisits() >= 1){
    $views_per_visit = number_format(($result->getPageviews()/$result->getVisits()), 2, '.', '');
    $views_per_visit = 'N/A';
    if($result->gettimeOnSite()>= 1 && $result->gettimeOnSite() >= 1){
    $day_number = number_format(($result->gettimeOnSite()/$result->getVisits()), 0, '', '');
    $time_On_Site = 'N/A';
    if($result->getnewVisits()>= 1 && $result->getnewVisits() >= 1){
    $percent_new = number_format((($result->getnewVisits()/$result->getVisitors())*100), 2, '.', '');
    $new_Visits = 'N/A';
    $output .= '
      <td>'.$day.' - '.$month.' - '.$year.'</td>
      <td>'.$result->getPageviews() .'</td>
        <td>'.$result->getVisitors() .'</td>
    $total_number = number_format(($ga->gettimeOnSite()/($ga->getTotalResults()-1)), 2, '', '');
    $output .= '
      <th>Total Pageviews</th>
      <td>'.$ga->getPageviews() .'</td>
        <th>Average Daily Pageviews</th>
      <td>'.number_format(($ga->getPageviews()/($ga->getTotalResults()-1)), 2, '.', '').'</td>
      <th>Total Visits</th>
      <td>'.$ga->getVisits() .'</td>
       <th>Average Daily Visits</th>
      <td>'.number_format(($ga->getVisits()/($ga->getTotalResults()-1)), 2, '.', '').'</td>
      <th>Total Time</th>
      <td>'. gmstrftime("%H:%M:%S",$ga->gettimeOnSite()).'</td>
      <th>Average Daily Visit Duration ( Hrs:Mins:Secs )</th>
      <td>'. strftime("%M:%S",number_format(($ga->gettimeOnSite()/($ga->getTotalResults()-1)), 0, '', '')).'</td>
    $output .=ob_get_clean(); 
      • 3722
      • 171 Posts
      Is there any way to add GA to an Evo site?