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    • 63 Posts
    For a project of mine, I needed to bridge MODx with a forum (I wanted only one login for both). After some research and testing, I chose SMF, because it already includes some functions to do the bridge.

    What I did is an embedded forum inside one page of MODx, called "forum", and users registration is made using SMF. Then they can login via MODx, and are automatically logged in SMF.

    I thought I could share with you what I do.

    By the way, I tried it using Revolution Alpha 5 and Alpha 6, and SMF 1.1.5 to 1.1.8.

    I still have a few things I’m trying to fix, mostly regarding character encoding (which is a real pain in the ass), and I can’t guarantee this to be perfect, or even good. It just seems to fulfill my needs actually.
    So this is completely Alpha, probably bad coded, no parameters, with patches to try to fix bugs, not sure this is the best way, but it might help someone and give a lead to do something really nice.

    You’d have to create a snippet and call it in a page called forum (I use friendly urls)
    Install SMF in a subfolder from your MODx root called SMF.
    If you want, you can create placeholders : SMF_title in the title line on your template and SMF_header in your header section.

    Here is the code :
    define('EOL', "\r\n");
    global $modSettings,$forum_version, $time_start, $maintenance, $mtitle, $mmessage, $mbname, $language, $boardurl, $webmaster_email, $cookiename, $db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_prefix, $db_persist, $db_error_send, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $db_last_error, $db_connection, $modSettings, $memcached, $cache_hits, $cache_count, $db_cache, $db_count, $board, $topic, $scripturl, $context, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS,  $rand_code, $ban, $log_time, $timeOnlineUpdated, $old_url, $USER_AGENT, $login_SMFCookie922, $admin_time, $ID_MSG_LAST_VISIT, $unread_messages, $sc, $settings, $user_info, $user_settings, $ID_MEMBER, $txt, $board_info, $options, $db_show_debug, $language_dir, $forum_copyright;
    //define the integration functions
    define('SMF_INTEGRATION_SETTINGS', serialize(array(
       'integrate_change_email' => 'change_email_function',
       'integrate_change_member_data' => 'change_member_data_function',
       'integrate_reset_pass' => 'reset_pass_function',
       'integrate_exit' => 'exit_function',
       'integrate_logout' => 'logout_function',
       'integrate_outgoing_email' => 'outgoing_email_function',
       'integrate_login' => 'login_function',
       'integrate_verify_user' => 'verify_user_function',
       'integrate_validate_login' => 'validate_login_function',
       'integrate_redirect' => 'redirect_function',
       'integrate_activate' => 'activate_function',
       'integrate_fix_url' => 'fix_url_function',
       'integrate_delete_member' => 'delete_member_function',
       'integrate_register' => 'register_function',
       'integrate_pre_load' => 'pre_load_function',
       'integrate_whos_online' => 'whos_online_function',
    //pre_load_function() changes SMF settings
    function pre_load_function()
    global $modSettings,$forum_version, $time_start, $maintenance, $mtitle, $mmessage, $mbname, $language, $boardurl, $webmaster_email, $cookiename, $db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_prefix, $db_persist, $db_error_send, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $db_last_error, $db_connection, $modSettings, $memcached, $cache_hits, $cache_count, $db_cache, $db_count, $board, $topic, $scripturl, $context, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS,  $rand_code, $ban, $log_time, $timeOnlineUpdated, $old_url, $USER_AGENT, $login_SMFCookie922, $admin_time, $ID_MSG_LAST_VISIT, $unread_messages, $sc, $settings, $user_info, $user_settings, $ID_MEMBER, $txt, $board_info, $options, $db_show_debug, $language_dir, $forum_copyright;
    	global $mbname,$boardurl;
    	$modSettings['enableCompressedOutput'] = '0'; //Compressed Output needs to be disabled
    	$modSettings['localCookies'] = '0'; //Locally stored cookies need to be disabled
    	$modSettings['globalCookies'] = '1'; //Subdomain independent cookies need to be enabled
    	$modSettings['securityDisable'] = '1'; //Disable admin password
    	$modSettings['enableVBStyleLogin'] = '0'; //Disable quick login
    	$cookiename = session_name();//Set SMF Cookie the same as ModX
    //verify_user_function() logs ModX user in SMF
    function verify_user_function()
    	global $modSettings,$forum_version, $time_start, $maintenance, $mtitle, $mmessage, $mbname, $language, $boardurl, $webmaster_email, $cookiename, $db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_prefix, $db_persist, $db_error_send, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $db_last_error, $db_connection, $modSettings, $memcached, $cache_hits, $cache_count, $db_cache, $db_count, $board, $topic, $scripturl, $context, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS,  $rand_code, $ban, $log_time, $timeOnlineUpdated, $old_url, $USER_AGENT, $login_SMFCookie922, $admin_time, $ID_MSG_LAST_VISIT, $unread_messages, $sc, $settings, $user_info, $user_settings, $ID_MEMBER, $txt, $board_info, $options, $db_show_debug, $language_dir, $forum_copyright;
    	global $modx, $table_prefix;
    	if ($modx->getLoginUserName($modx->context->key))
    		$user= $modx->getUser();
    		$sql='SELECT ' . $db_prefix . 'members.ID_MEMBER FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'members INNER JOIN ' . $table_prefix . 'users ON ' . $db_prefix . 'members.memberName=' . $table_prefix . 'users.username WHERE ' . $table_prefix . 'users.id=' . $user->get('id');
    		mysql_connect($db_server, $db_user, $db_passwd);
    		$reponse = mysql_query($sql);
    		$donnees = mysql_fetch_array($reponse);
    		return $donnees['ID_MEMBER'];
    //logout_function() : user logs out from SMF -> log im out of ModX
    function logout_function($username)
    	global $modSettings,$forum_version, $time_start, $maintenance, $mtitle, $mmessage, $mbname, $language, $boardurl, $webmaster_email, $cookiename, $db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_prefix, $db_persist, $db_error_send, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $db_last_error, $db_connection, $modSettings, $memcached, $cache_hits, $cache_count, $db_cache, $db_count, $board, $topic, $scripturl, $context, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS,  $rand_code, $ban, $log_time, $timeOnlineUpdated, $old_url, $USER_AGENT, $login_SMFCookie922, $admin_time, $ID_MSG_LAST_VISIT, $unread_messages, $sc, $settings, $user_info, $user_settings, $ID_MEMBER, $txt, $board_info, $options, $db_show_debug, $language_dir, $forum_copyright;
    	global $modx;
    	$user = $modx->getObject('modUser', $modx->context->get('key'));
    	// invoke OnBeforeWebLogout event
    		'userid' => $user->id,
    		'username' => $user->username,
    	// invoke OnWebLogout event
    		'userid' => $internalKey,
    		'username' => $username
    //activate_function() : Activates the user in SMF -> activate him in ModX
    function activate_function($username)
    	global $modSettings,$forum_version, $time_start, $maintenance, $mtitle, $mmessage, $mbname, $language, $boardurl, $webmaster_email, $cookiename, $db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_prefix, $db_persist, $db_error_send, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $db_last_error, $db_connection, $modSettings, $memcached, $cache_hits, $cache_count, $db_cache, $db_count, $board, $topic, $scripturl, $context, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS,  $rand_code, $ban, $log_time, $timeOnlineUpdated, $old_url, $USER_AGENT, $login_SMFCookie922, $admin_time, $ID_MSG_LAST_VISIT, $unread_messages, $sc, $settings, $user_info, $user_settings, $ID_MEMBER, $txt, $board_info, $options, $db_show_debug, $language_dir, $forum_copyright;
    	global $modx, $table_prefix;
    	$sql='SELECT `id` FROM `' . $table_prefix . 'users` WHERE `username` = \'' . $username . '\'';
    	mysql_connect($db_server, $db_user, $db_passwd);
    	$reponse = mysql_query($sql);
    	$donnees = mysql_fetch_array($reponse);
    	$user = $modx->getObject('modUser',$donnees['id']);
    	$user->profile = $user->getOne('modUserProfile');
    	$user->profile->set('blocked', false);
    //fix_url_function() : fix url for RSS feed
    function fix_url_function($setLocation)
    	global $modSettings,$forum_version, $time_start, $maintenance, $mtitle, $mmessage, $mbname, $language, $boardurl, $webmaster_email, $cookiename, $db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_prefix, $db_persist, $db_error_send, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $db_last_error, $db_connection, $modSettings, $memcached, $cache_hits, $cache_count, $db_cache, $db_count, $board, $topic, $scripturl, $context, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS,  $rand_code, $ban, $log_time, $timeOnlineUpdated, $old_url, $USER_AGENT, $login_SMFCookie922, $admin_time, $ID_MSG_LAST_VISIT, $unread_messages, $sc, $settings, $user_info, $user_settings, $ID_MEMBER, $txt, $board_info, $options, $db_show_debug, $language_dir, $forum_copyright;
    	if ($setLocation == '') $setLocation = '/forum.html';
    	$setLocation=str_replace('/smf/index.php?', '/forum.html?', $setLocation);
    	$setLocation=str_replace('/smf/index.php', '/forum.html', $setLocation);
    	return $setLocation;
    //reset_pass_function() : user changes its password in SMF -> change it in ModX too
    function reset_pass_function($oldusername, $newusername, $password)
    	global $modSettings,$forum_version, $time_start, $maintenance, $mtitle, $mmessage, $mbname, $language, $boardurl, $webmaster_email, $cookiename, $db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_prefix, $db_persist, $db_error_send, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $db_last_error, $db_connection, $modSettings, $memcached, $cache_hits, $cache_count, $db_cache, $db_count, $board, $topic, $scripturl, $context, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS,  $rand_code, $ban, $log_time, $timeOnlineUpdated, $old_url, $USER_AGENT, $login_SMFCookie922, $admin_time, $ID_MSG_LAST_VISIT, $unread_messages, $sc, $settings, $user_info, $user_settings, $ID_MEMBER, $txt, $board_info, $options, $db_show_debug, $language_dir, $forum_copyright;
    	global $modx, $table_prefix;
    	$sql='SELECT `id` FROM `' . $table_prefix . 'users` WHERE `username` = \'' . $oldusername . '\'';
    	mysql_connect($db_server, $db_user, $db_passwd);
    	$reponse = mysql_query($sql);
    	$donnees = mysql_fetch_array($reponse);
    	$user = $modx->getObject('modUser',$donnees['id']);
    	$user->profile = $user->getOne('modUserProfile');
    //delete_member_function() : Delete the member in SMF -> delete him from ModX too
    function delete_member_function($user_id)
    	global $modSettings,$forum_version, $time_start, $maintenance, $mtitle, $mmessage, $mbname, $language, $boardurl, $webmaster_email, $cookiename, $db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_prefix, $db_persist, $db_error_send, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $db_last_error, $db_connection, $modSettings, $memcached, $cache_hits, $cache_count, $db_cache, $db_count, $board, $topic, $scripturl, $context, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS,  $rand_code, $ban, $log_time, $timeOnlineUpdated, $old_url, $USER_AGENT, $login_SMFCookie922, $admin_time, $ID_MSG_LAST_VISIT, $unread_messages, $sc, $settings, $user_info, $user_settings, $ID_MEMBER, $txt, $board_info, $options, $db_show_debug, $language_dir, $forum_copyright;
    	global $modx, $table_prefix;
    	$sql='SELECT ' . $table_prefix . 'users.id FROM ' . $db_prefix . 'members INNER JOIN ' . $table_prefix . 'users ON ' . $db_prefix . 'members.memberName=' . $table_prefix . 'users.username WHERE ' . $db_prefix . 'members.ID_MEMBER=' . $user_id;
    	mysql_connect($db_server, $db_user, $db_passwd);
    	$reponse = mysql_query($sql);
    	$donnees = mysql_fetch_array($reponse);
    	$user = $modx->getObject('modUser',$donnees['id']);
    	if ($user == null) $error->failure($modx->lexicon('user_err_nf'));
    	// check if we are deleting our own record
    	if($user->id == $modx->getLoginUserID())
    	// invoke OnBeforeUserFormDelete event
    		'id' => $user->id,
    	// get and delete all user group pairs
    	$user->groups = $user->getMany('modUserGroupMember');
    	foreach ($user->groups as $group)
    	// get and delete user's profile
    	$user->profile = $user->getOne('modUserProfile');
    	// get and delete user's settings
    	$user->settings = $user->getMany('modUserSetting');
    	foreach ($user->settings as $setting)
    	// now finally remove user
    	if (!$user->remove()) $error->failure($modx->lexicon('user_err_remove'));
    	// invoke OnManagerDeleteUser event
    		'userid'	=> $user->id,
    		'username'	=> $user->username,
    	// invoke OnUserFormDelete event
    	$modx->invokeEvent('OnUserFormDelete',array('id' => $user->id));
    //register_function() : registers user in SMF -> register him in ModX too
    function register_function($regOptions, $theme_vars)
    	global $modSettings,$forum_version, $time_start, $maintenance, $mtitle, $mmessage, $mbname, $language, $boardurl, $webmaster_email, $cookiename, $db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_prefix, $db_persist, $db_error_send, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $db_last_error, $db_connection, $modSettings, $memcached, $cache_hits, $cache_count, $db_cache, $db_count, $board, $topic, $scripturl, $context, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS,  $rand_code, $ban, $log_time, $timeOnlineUpdated, $old_url, $USER_AGENT, $login_SMFCookie922, $admin_time, $ID_MSG_LAST_VISIT, $unread_messages, $sc, $settings, $user_info, $user_settings, $ID_MEMBER, $txt, $board_info, $options, $db_show_debug, $language_dir, $forum_copyright;
    	global $modx;
    	$_POST['password'] = $regOptions['password'];
    	$_POST['email'] = $regOptions['email'];
    	$_POST['fullname'] = $regOptions['username'];
    	$_POST['username'] = $regOptions['username'];
    	$_POST['role'] = '1';
    	$_POST['login_context'] = 'web';
    	$user = $modx->newObject('modUser');
    	$user->profile = $modx->newObject('modUserProfile');
    	$user->profile->set('blocked', true);
    //outgoing_email_function() : Fix Urls in mails
    function outgoing_email_function($subject, &$message, $headers)
    	global $modSettings,$forum_version, $time_start, $maintenance, $mtitle, $mmessage, $mbname, $language, $boardurl, $webmaster_email, $cookiename, $db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_prefix, $db_persist, $db_error_send, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $db_last_error, $db_connection, $modSettings, $memcached, $cache_hits, $cache_count, $db_cache, $db_count, $board, $topic, $scripturl, $context, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS,  $rand_code, $ban, $log_time, $timeOnlineUpdated, $old_url, $USER_AGENT, $login_SMFCookie922, $admin_time, $ID_MSG_LAST_VISIT, $unread_messages, $sc, $settings, $user_info, $user_settings, $ID_MEMBER, $txt, $board_info, $options, $db_show_debug, $language_dir, $forum_copyright;
    	if ($message == '') $message = '/forum.html';
    	$message=str_replace('/smf/index.php?', '/forum.html?', $message);
    	$message=str_replace('/smf/index.php', '/forum.html', $message);
    	return true;
    //change_member_data_function() : change user datas in SMF, change them in ModX too.
    //Still to do
    function change_member_data_function($memberNames, $var, $data)
    	global $modSettings,$forum_version, $time_start, $maintenance, $mtitle, $mmessage, $mbname, $language, $boardurl, $webmaster_email, $cookiename, $db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_prefix, $db_persist, $db_error_send, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $db_last_error, $db_connection, $modSettings, $memcached, $cache_hits, $cache_count, $db_cache, $db_count, $board, $topic, $scripturl, $context, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS,  $rand_code, $ban, $log_time, $timeOnlineUpdated, $old_url, $USER_AGENT, $login_SMFCookie922, $admin_time, $ID_MSG_LAST_VISIT, $unread_messages, $sc, $settings, $user_info, $user_settings, $ID_MEMBER, $txt, $board_info, $options, $db_show_debug, $language_dir, $forum_copyright;
    	global $modx;
    //redirect_function() : fixes urls in SMF
    function redirect_function(&$setLocation, $refresh)
    	global $modSettings,$forum_version, $time_start, $maintenance, $mtitle, $mmessage, $mbname, $language, $boardurl, $webmaster_email, $cookiename, $db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, $db_prefix, $db_persist, $db_error_send, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $db_last_error, $db_connection, $modSettings, $memcached, $cache_hits, $cache_count, $db_cache, $db_count, $board, $topic, $scripturl, $context, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS,  $rand_code, $ban, $log_time, $timeOnlineUpdated, $old_url, $USER_AGENT, $login_SMFCookie922, $admin_time, $ID_MSG_LAST_VISIT, $unread_messages, $sc, $settings, $user_info, $user_settings, $ID_MEMBER, $txt, $board_info, $options, $db_show_debug, $language_dir, $forum_copyright;
    	if ($setLocation == '') $setLocation = '/forum.html';
    	$setLocation=str_replace('/smf/index.php?', '/forum.html?', $setLocation);
    	$setLocation=str_replace('/smf/index.php', '/forum.html', $setLocation);
    function charset_decode_utf_8 ($string) {
          /* Only do the slow convert if there are 8-bit characters */
        /* avoid using 0xA0 (\240) in ereg ranges. RH73 does not like that */
        if (! ereg("[\200-\237]", $string) and ! ereg("[\241-\377]", $string))
            return $string;
        // decode three byte unicode characters
        $string = preg_replace("/([\340-\357])([\200-\277])([\200-\277])/e",       
        "'&#'.((ord('\\1')-224)*4096 + (ord('\\2')-128)*64 + (ord('\\3')-128)).';'",   
        // decode two byte unicode characters
        $string = preg_replace("/([\300-\337])([\200-\277])/e",
    	$string=str_replace(' ', utf8_encode(' '), $string);
        return $string;
    array_walk($_POST, 'reslash_multi');
    function reslash_multi(&$val,$key)
       if (is_array($val)) array_walk($val,'reslash_multi',$new);
       else {
          $val = reslash($val);
    function reslash($string)
       $string = addslashes(charset_decode_utf_8($string));
       return $string;
    $here = getcwd();
    require "index.php";
    $buffer = ob_get_contents();
    if (!(isset($_GET['preview']) && (isset($_GET['xml']))))
    	$buffer=str_replace($txt['welcome_guest'], '', $buffer);
    	$buffer=str_replace('/smf/index.php', '/forum.html', $buffer);
    	$buffer=str_replace('/forum.html?action=helpadmin', '/smf/index.php?action=helpadmin', $buffer);
    	$buffer=str_replace('<input type="text" name="user" ', '<input type="text" id="SMFusername" name="user"', $buffer);
    	$buffer=str_replace('<input type="password" name="passwrd"', '<input type="password" id="SMFPassword" name="passwrd"', $buffer);
    	$buffer=str_replace('<input type="checkbox" name="cookieneverexp"', '<input type="checkbox" id="SMFremember" name="cookieneverexp"', $buffer);
    	$buffer=str_replace('<input type="submit" value="Login"', '<input id="SMFLoginRequest" type="submit" value="Login"', $buffer);
    	$buffer=str_replace('action="' . str_replace('\\','/',MODX_SITE_URL) . '/forum.html?action=login2"', '', $buffer);
    	$buffer=str_replace('<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="' . str_replace('\\','/',MODX_SITE_URL) . '/smf/Themes/default/sha1.js"></script>', '', $buffer);
    	$buffer=preg_replace('`onsubmit="hashLoginPassword\(this, \'[a-z0-9]+\'\);"`m', '', $buffer);
    	$buffer=preg_replace('`<script\b[^>]*sha1.js\b[^>]*>(.*?)</script>`is', '', $buffer);
    	$buffer=preg_replace('`<form\b[^>]*action=login2\b[^>]*>(.*?)</form>`is', '', $buffer);
    	$buffer=preg_replace('`<td\b[^>]*maintab[^>]*>[^>]*<a\b[^>]*action=login\b[^>]*>(.*?)</a>[^<]*</td>`is', '', $buffer);
    	$test_flag=preg_match('`<head\b[^>]*>(.*?)</head>`is',$buffer, $html_head);
    	$test_flag=preg_match('`<title\b[^>]*>(.*?)</title>`is',$buffer, $html_title);
    	$test_flag=preg_match('`<body\b[^>]*>(.*?)</body>`is',$buffer, $html_body);
    	if (count($html_head)>0) $html_head[1] = preg_replace('`<title\b[^>]*>(.*?)</title>`is','',$html_head[1]);
    	if (count($html_head)>0) $modx->setPlaceholder('SMF_header',$html_head[1]);
    	if (count($html_title)>0) $modx->setPlaceholder('SMF_title',' - ' . $html_title[1]);
    	if (count($html_body)<1) $html_body[1]=$buffer;
    	return $html_body[1];
    	return $buffer;

    Comments and fixes are most welcome !!!
    • This might work, but there will be much more elegant ways to integrate custom users/authentication systems with Revolution. It involves extending the modUser class and providing plugins for various events (OnManagerAuthentication, OnUserNotFound, etc.). Though you can also customize the session handling code in MODx, for another approach.

      I have the first one of these extensions coded and working; it’s interacting with Atlassian Crowd, a centralized user management system which drives our development infrastructure. I would help you work out this SMF version, but atm I’m working on integrating Crowd and SMF (Java coding project). Once that’s done however, I’d love to help get this into a form we would be proud to distribute as a core extension of Revolution.
        • 29606
        • 63 Posts
        I would really love to see your ways to do this !
        I’m not really good at coding stuff, I just know the basis... So I’m sure I’m missing most of MODx possibilities !
        • Quote from: OpenGeek at Feb 07, 2009, 06:14 PM

          This might work, but there will be much more elegant ways to integrate custom users/authentication systems with Revolution. It involves extending the modUser class and providing plugins for various events (OnManagerAuthentication, OnUserNotFound, etc.). Though you can also customize the session handling code in MODx, for another approach.

          I have the first one of these extensions coded and working; it’s interacting with Atlassian Crowd, a centralized user management system which drives our development infrastructure. I would help you work out this SMF version, but atm I’m working on integrating Crowd and SMF (Java coding project). Once that’s done however, I’d love to help get this into a form we would be proud to distribute as a core extension of Revolution.

          Any chance that this method works with other Forums too (MyBB, PhpBB, etc)
          • Quote from: lossendae at Feb 24, 2009, 02:14 PM

            Quote from: OpenGeek at Feb 07, 2009, 06:14 PM

            This might work, but there will be much more elegant ways to integrate custom users/authentication systems with Revolution. It involves extending the modUser class and providing plugins for various events (OnManagerAuthentication, OnUserNotFound, etc.). Though you can also customize the session handling code in MODx, for another approach.

            I have the first one of these extensions coded and working; it’s interacting with Atlassian Crowd, a centralized user management system which drives our development infrastructure. I would help you work out this SMF version, but atm I’m working on integrating Crowd and SMF (Java coding project). Once that’s done however, I’d love to help get this into a form we would be proud to distribute as a core extension of Revolution.

            Any chance that this method works with other Forums too (MyBB, PhpBB, etc)
            Only if those forums provide proper web services for their authentication and user systems. Otherwise, you’ll have to code around whatever methods are available to integrate authentication and user data with that particular forum. Some will be easy, some will be next to impossible; just depends on how the forum is coded.
            • I just tried this on modx 9.6 with smf 1.1.8 and the 2.0 rc and it doesn’t appear to work for me... Could you confirm which versions of modx and smf you used? 

              I just re-read your post and I see you used REV! First time I read it, I thought you had tested it on modx 9.6 for some reason lol.

              Is there a chance this could work with 9.6 at all? I’m still searching to get a forum to work with modx!
                Ross Sivills - MD AugmentBLU Edinburgh, Scotland UK
                AugmentBLU - MODX Partner

                BLUcart - MODX Revolution E-Commerce & Shopping Cart
                • 29606
                • 63 Posts
                The SMF part should work with 2.0rc without any change

                As for MODx 9.6, I think you can adapt this code, but I wouldn’t know how... Sorry.

                Maybe someone with better knowing of the inner work of MODx might help you there.
                Anyway, a word of warning, I’m pretty sure this is not the best way to do it. I just did this to match my needs, and I corrected it everytime I found a problem - I expect there are still some of them.
                • Yeah I’ve been on the hunt for a way to integrate SMF with MODx for a while... I tried the SMF bridge several times recently and it just doesn’t work with 9.6.3... I did have it working with 9.6.2 (i think it was that version) I tried the bridge with SMF 1.1.8 and 2.0 but there was parse errors etc.
                    Ross Sivills - MD AugmentBLU Edinburgh, Scotland UK
                    AugmentBLU - MODX Partner

                    BLUcart - MODX Revolution E-Commerce & Shopping Cart
                    • 26275
                    • 3 Posts
                    I just did an installation with the latest of modx, WebLoginPE, smf, and smf bridge.
                    The bridge is working OK, but the login is not. I can log to my web site, but the login does not carry through to SMF. I cannot loggin in SMF directly because the bridge sends me back to MODX.
                    I tried the change in OnWebLogin described in another thread but that did not work.
                    • I hope that with revolution, we’ll be able to find a native modx Forum, fully templatable, using the native modx users and modx functions!
                      If anybody is interested in this kind of project, i’m totally interested to participate actively in the devellopment!

                      Until then, SMF is the way to go.