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    • 16945
    • 12 Posts
    Hi Guys,
    How can is show the list without the Content?
    Here is a sample how i will that the page is shown: http://pack4.vectortechgraphics.com/events.html

    This is my website that i’m working on: http://heidegger-rotterdam.nl/index.php
    I just want the Date and Name to be shown.

    Btw is there some explanation how the Chunks works. I try the events but with no luck.
    Let me know.
    Thanx for the help.
      • 25132
      • 129 Posts
      If you don’t need a calendar at all, then I would simply use the Ditto snippet and not mxCalendar. I assume you have set up a separate resource for each event. Create a template chunk that only contains the info you need for your listing and then use Ditto to pull the list together from all your events.

      If you do need a calendar as well as the listing, you could try out the Events snippet. I haven’t used it yet myself, but from what I’m reading it’s designed to show mxCalendar events as lists.