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    • 5457
    • 7 Posts
    Hello everyone,

    I’m running MODx version 1.0.0 on a client’s site. He wanted a calendar that would work like the Kalender snippet, so I used that. The code in the zip file had to be edited slightly to make it work, but it’s all fine now.

    Except... when I create an event (which in Kalender is a new child page of the Kalender container page), I can either publish it OR set a future publishing date -- but not both. I suppose this is a feature of MODx, and it makes sense, but it completely wrecks the way the Kalender snippet works, because it relies on the published date for the event to show up on the calendar.

    The upshot is that an event can have a publish date in the future, which means it cannot also be published now and therefore will not show up as its own page. Or it can be published now, which means it cannot have a future publish date and therefore will not show up in Kalender).

    Is there any way around this that anyone can see? If not, can anyone give me a recommendation for a calendar snippet that works in my version of MODx?

    Any help would be much appreciated, if you can spare the time. smiley
      • 5457
      • 7 Posts
      I wanted to fix this quickly and didn’t want to spend the time finding some other hacky code and installing it (which is all I could seem to find). So I edited the SQL in the Kalender snippet to look at the longtitle, into which I’ve instructed my client to enter the date this event should be shown on the calendar, like "5-5-2010". That way he just publishes the event page and sets that date, and it works without a future published date (therefore can be published ahead of time). Just letting everyone know in case it might help.