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    • 24393
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    Quote from: xmetal at Apr 17, 2009, 04:03 PM

    would it be possible to have the system display not only future events, but also past ones? If you view my public feed, those past events are still there, and I’d like to be able to show those as well.

    Any advice on displaying past events?

    The solution to display past events is to make the following change in the Google Events snippet around line 167:
    //	$addresses[$tempCounter] = "http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/".$addy."/public/full?start-min=".date('Y-m-d').'&start-max='.$startMax."&orderby=starttime&sortorder=$order&singleevents=true";
    	$addresses[$tempCounter] = "http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/".$addy."/public/full?start-min=".date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-30 days')).'&start-max='.$startMax."&orderby=starttime&sortorder=$order&singleevents=true";

    This should display events from the last 30 days, provided they are still in the gCal feed.

    This didn’t seem to work either. Use this calendar snippet instead: http://github.com/chucktrukk/prowebscape-calendar

    Not sure why it’s not in the repository...
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      • 4108
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      First of all - thnaks for this really nice snippet!

      Easy to setup!!! YEAH!

      But.. when i’m deleting/adding new events in my google calender, it doesn’t show on my page. First i tried with 3 dummy events.. and it worked. But Now i have deleted them adn added 3 new ones. But it’s the same 3 dummy events the page shows.

      I tried to look through this whole thread, but i couldn’t find an answer to my question. So please, can anyone help me?

      Here is the site: http://www.againstyourrecords.dk/mikkela/

      Cheers, Bjarke
        • 24393
        • 83 Posts
        Try clearing your modx cache. Also, I have fount that it can take a few hours for google’s calendar feed to update.
          xhtml + ajax + seo websites powered by modx
          • 13736
          • 345 Posts
          The simplepie feed reader that Google Events is using to build it’s calendar reads the feed at a set interval. I believe I found a while back that it was set to check every 30 minutes or so in the snippet. So if you wait for that interval (whatever it is) then it should update.

          If you are saying that old events are not disappearing after new events show up, then I’m not sure what might be causing that.
            • 332
            • 23 Posts
            Hi, I am having a problem hwhen I try to use both pieX for a Blogger feed and Google Events for a Calendar feed on the same page. They both use simplepie from what I have gathered...if I put one or the other on the page by themselves, they each work OK. But together, no luck. I get a blank page, no code. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.