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    Hi guys! I am currently building a MODx (Evo 1.0.5)/FoxyCart site but am experiencing problems on all pages using FoxyCart code. Basically, there seems to be a clash between both FoxyCart using colorbox for it’s cart as well as QuickEditor using it to bring up the modal editing window. I simply get a black page if I want to use the editor.

    Here is a quote from a reply from the FoyCart guys:

    The issue, then, appears to be that MODx is using Colorbox for its QuickEditor, and FoxyCart is using Colorbox for the cart. The result - conflict. When you try to call the QuickEditor, it is displaying the (hidden) FoxyCart overlay, which pretty well blocks out everything else. And, previously, when you loaded the cart, the last-defined values for the cart box were being used. When you were logged in, those would have been the images. So, as it turns out, these two issues are probably directly related.

    I didn’t have this problem on an older eCommerce site where FoxyCart was still using Thickbox. Has anybody else come across the same issue? Is anybody currently building a new FoxyCart sie and has no problems with the QuickEditor in Evo 1.0.5? I would really appreciate some feedback because I need to figure out whether this is a new universial issue or whether there is something else in my code that might be causing this.
