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    I am trying to create a website that should be used as a portal for local artists.
    The website uses MG 0.6 and Smoothgallery external carrousel.

    The idea would be to first choose a discipline, next an artist. View his work.
    If one likes one of the works (in other words, a work displayed as a large image at that moment).
    one should be able to hit a shoppingbasket icon and have the MaxiGallery custom field values, attached to that image, transfered to a shopping basket/user details. So that it is recorded what work of art should be shipped to whom.

    Most of the ecommerce solutions I found here in Modx use dropdowns etc, as far as I saw.
    According to Doze, to be able to attach MG field data to a ecommerce system/user data, would require some custom (eg Javascript) scripting http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php?topic=35256.new;topicseen#new.

    Does anyone here have an idea how to approach this, or maybe a solution to my request? Site can be viewed here:


    Thanks, Frank.