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    • 12320
    • 88 Posts
    the module is suppose to install his table alone at first run

    the id is the id that you configured in the module, it doesn t match

    normaly should be 2 if you have only one module

    you can give me an access for support

      Thanks to the authors of the following code :
      Easy Newsletter (module)
      SiteMap (snippet)
      Codepress (Plugins)
      Strict URLs (Plugins)
      Virtual Aliases (Plugins)
      Maxygallery (snippet)
      • 33238
      • 388 Posts
      thanks for the answer. but dont you have some idea what may be the problem?

      wen i install the module show me some problems about language package.

      that is the reazon why i configure it from the database and after that works but with that problem.


      is a very important client, is so hard give access someone to the site.

      thank you!
        • 12992
        • 21 Posts
        I have a question
        Is it possible to put name and lastname whom the letter will be send in a body letter?
          • 36886
          • 5 Posts
          Yesterday I had a problem with my easynewsletter that I needed to include ' symbols in the text editor. Or course php has troubles then processing this to insert it into the database.
          I finally worked out where in the code I needed to alter and thought I would share for if other people are having the same problem.

          In backend.php, on line 201
          $sql = "UPDATE easynewsletter_newsletter SET subject='".$_POST['subject']."', newsletter='".$testo."' WHERE id='".$_POST['xid']."'";

          change to:
          $sql = "UPDATE easynewsletter_newsletter SET subject='".$_POST['subject']."', newsletter='".addslashes($testo)."' WHERE id='".$_POST['xid']."'";

          (note the added addslashed() function)
            • 44356
            • 1 Posts
            Hello, I know this is an old thread, however, I'm having issues with this module.

            I've got everything setup, but when I add images or links to the newsletter editor, it won't let me have full path urls. So "http://www.mysite.com/assets/image.jpg" becomes just "assets/image.jpg." Am I doing something wrong?

            Any help would be great!!

              • 33238
              • 388 Posts
              That problem comes not from the Neswletter, it comes from the TinyMCE Rich Text Editor.

              So, go to the Plugins Area in the mannager, go to the TinyMCE Rich Text Editor Plugin.

              in the Configuration area, there is an option call "Path Options", select Absolute path, Save and that is all!

              FIXED!!! laugh Enjoy it!