Is there an easy way to get AjaxSearch to insert its script tags before the closing body tag, rather than before the closing head tag?
I have moved all my other javascript to the just before the closing body tag as part of a performance improvement - but the ajaxsearch script is bombing my javascript because it uses jquery is loaded later in the page.
The site I’m referring to is using AjaxSearch v1.9.2 with Modx v1.0.5
GOLD! Exactly what i was looking for... i should have known this - I’ve used it in a Revolution site before, but didn’t realise it was also in Evo - duh!
Anyway, it has moved my javascript - but I havn’t quite figured out whether that has caused any problems yet, as I’m still grappling with the MinJS snippet which is having a hard time dealing with compressing my jquery...
thanks bunk58!