I recently upgraded my MODx to Evo 1.0.5 and got the error message below after successful install:
« MODx Parse Error »
MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
« PHP Parse Error »
PHP error debug
Error: set_time_limit() [function.set-time-limit]: Cannot set time limit in safe mode
Error type/ Nr.: Warning - 2
File: /var/www/vhosts/domain.co.uk/httpdocs/assets/snippets/ajaxSearch/classes/ajaxSearch.class.inc.php
Line: 78
Line 78 source: set_time_limit($asCfg->cfg[’timeLimit’]);
I had no problem with previous version of MODX (0.9)and I presume the AjaxSearch is 1.9.2 as it comes with Evo 1.0.5. The domain is hosted on a shared server and the provider is not able to set the safe mode off.
Is there a work around? Any advice/suggestion will be much appreciated.