I’m using default Modx document fields to populate information for a job database that can be searched by AjaxSearch.
I’m using link_attributes for example to input "Location" however I’ve noted that of all the default fields I’ve used (Job title = pagetitle, Job reference = longtitle, etc) link_attributes won’t display at all - you can’t search on it and the placeholder doesn’t output anything.
This is by ajaxResult TPL:
<tr class="[+as.resultClass+]">
<td><a class="[+as.resultLinkClass+]" href="[+as.resultLink+]" title="[+as.longtitle+]">[+as.pagetitle+]</a></td>
<td class="last-column"><a href="[+as.resultLink+]&ref=[+longtitle+]">Now</a></td>
Is link_attributes ignored by AjaxSearch?
For reference here’s my call:
[!AjaxSearch? &asId=`recruit` &ajaxSearch=`0` &showInputForm=`1` &tvPhx=`tv:displayTV` &tplResult=`ajaxResult` &tplResults=`ajaxResults` &tplInput=`tpl_search` &parents=`225`!]
Environment: Modx EVO: 1.0.5-rc1 / PHP Version 5.2.14 / CentOS
Thanks in advance.