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    • 19741
    • 90 Posts
    Hi Coroico,

    the "old" AS 1.84 finds "test" and "TEST" on your demo page. The new AS 1.90 won’t find any documents with "TEST" (but 5 hits for "test").

    How can I achieve the old behavior (non case sensitive search)? Or is there any parameter, I didn’t find yet?
      • 26931
      • 2,314 Posts
      strange, working here (non Ajax mode ) PHP 5.2.12 / MySQL 5.0.32-Debian_7etch11-log
        • 5811
        • 1,717 Posts
        You are right Mithandir, and this bug comes from this last improvement.
        Unfortunately, I have used the strpos function indeed of the stripos function. A simple letter that make all the difference !

        Sharbait, you have probably a release < #6955.

        I have updated the svn branch and you could download the last release AjaxSearch190 #6974 on the demo page.

        I have also added the missing labels of the spanish languages files.

          • 26931
          • 2,314 Posts
          Sharbait, you have probably a release < #6955.
          indeed smiley #6858
            • 19741
            • 90 Posts
            @coroico: Thank you - the new version works how expected. smiley

            @sharkbait: Sorry, I will give the version number the next time. Thanks for testing!
              • 31622
              • 4 Posts

              Hi Coroico,

              I’ve installed latest available build, which is ajaxSearch190_6976, but I still running into situation, when for example query "Globe" and "globe" has different amount in result. Sometimes it gives no result in for the word with capital letter and good result for the word with lowercase letter, for example for "Кеда" it gives no result, but 2 results for "кеда".

              I have a feeling that in the first example, search works correctly for the content, but does not work in the same way for tv.
              In the second example it doesn’t work when the search word is a part of the content word.
              Here’s a link where you can test it http://vishnia.homedns.org
              It’s on Russian, but you can test my queries and I believe you’ll have no problems with the language itself.

              Many thanks in advance.
                • 27140
                • 7 Posts
                I had the same problem, even after update. The reason is database collation (utf8_bin).
                In order to solve this issue I modified ajaxSearch/classes/ajaxSearchRequest.class.inc.php.
                In the very begining I inserted
                define('USE_COLLATION', 'collate utf8_general_ci');

                and I modified line #569 that looked like:
                $whereForm = array('like' => " LIKE '%word%' ", 'notlike' => " NOT LIKE '%word%'", 'regexp' => " REGEXP '[[:<:]]word[[:>:]]'");

                so now it’s:
                $whereForm = array('like' => " LIKE '%word%' ".USE_COLLATION, 'notlike' => " NOT LIKE '%word%'", 'regexp' => " REGEXP '[[:<:]]word[[:>:]]'");

                I think it’s quite rare situation but it took me some time to find solution.
                Hope it would be useful.
                  Vladimir Shugaev