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    AjaxSearch 1.9.0 could be customized to set up varied search and filter forms. As new example, find this new demo: a simple search & filter form for a DVD shop.
    In this demo the DVD data are stored in customs table rather to use TVs.
      • 36404
      • 307 Posts
      hi coroici,

      having just asked a question about the ability to search into custom tables, i’ve of course had a close look to this demo but it leads me to ask to more few things

      - is it possible to do this, i.e, searching into a custom table but continuing to search into the modx tables in the same time, that’s to say, into all the website concerned tables, default and custom

      - would it be possible te have a look at the config file you use to achieve that kind of custom search (in the default examples that are with ajaxSearch i’ve seen owntable template but not own table config example)

      thanks a lot for any advice

      have swing
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        • 5811
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        is it possible to do this, i.e, searching into a custom table but continuing to search into the modx tables in the same time, that’s to say, into all the website concerned tables, default and custom
        In the same result (tplResult), to get results from MODx AND custom tables (with one single sql request), you need to have a main table (usually a MODx table) and custom tables as joined tables (linked thru a key). Otherwise if the tables are not linked, the better way is to develop a snippet to do a specific search to retreive your data in custom tables.

        would it be possible te have a look at the config file you use to achieve that kind of custom search
        Yes, by supporting the development of AjaxSearch.
          • 32157
          • 8 Posts
          I would be glad to support this development, but the contact form is closed for now. Is there other possibility?
            • 5811
            • 1,717 Posts
            The contact form is now re-open. You can also send me a private message.