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  • Hi to everyone who reads this post, the problem i am having is that underneath the Ajax search box there is a black box appearing in Internet Explorer and i get javascript error aswell. The website url is www.reecesflavours.com
      • 5811
      • 1,717 Posts
      The trouble is due to a specific management of opacity by Internet Explorer. With IE, the ajax_output div (css search tag) is always visible even without results. This explains why you have a black box under the search box and not with firefox or opera.

      Which javascript message do you get it ?

      Looks at this post : http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,5357.300.html

      I strongly suggest you to use the ajaxSearch 1.6.2 to correct this trouble (and some others).
      • I get the following error with MaxiGallery.

        this.getElements is not a function

        Thanks for the fix for the searchbox, for some reason, sometimes my search doesn’t work at all, would you know why this is?