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    Hi All,

    I am using the Modx Revolution and built in simplesearch snippet comes with sampledata. How can i modify searchformTpl to only show images in search result from all content documents.

    When I insert image, it would have image description and title

    Current searchformTpl looks like this...

    <form id="ajaxSearch_form sisea-search-form" action="[[~5]]" method="[[+method:default=`get`]]">
    <label for="ajaxSearch_input">
    <input id="ajaxSearch_input" class="cleardefault" type="text" name="[[+searchIndex]]" value="[[+searchValue]]" />
    <label for="ajaxSearch_submit">
    <input id="ajaxSearch_submit" type="submit" value="[[%sisea.search? &namespace=`sisea` &topic=`default`]]" />