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    I’ve been messing with Formit for hours. I solved all my problems thanks to these forums except..if I change the Tpl Chunk or add anything to it, the form validates and redirects but doesn’t send an email. It works fine when I use the following code as the Tpl Chunk:
    This is the Formit Email Chunk.
    <br />[[+name]] ([[+email]]) Wrote: <br />

    However, I need to add a [[+phone]]and [[+time]] field to the email and that seems to cause the error.

    Even if I just add text after the [[+text]] field, the email doesn’t get sent.

    Let me reiterate, when I use the sample Email Chunk above it DOES work so the form works, the validation works, the redirect works, and the system can send email.

    Thanks for any help you can provide