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    • 14125
    • 62 Posts
    I have 2 forms:


    2 is based on 1 Both work, but the second won’t produce error messages. It just returns the populated form if any input was invalid.

    Here is the code for the second form:
    [[!FormIt? &hooks=`email,formSuccess,redirect,FormItAutoResponder` &emailTpl=`sentEmailQuoteTpl` &emailSubject=` Online Quotation RE: [[*pagetitle]]` &emailFrom=`[email protected]` &emailFromName=`Breakaway Distributing` &emailTo=`[email protected]` &validate=`contact_name:required:minLength=`2`, contact_email:email:required, contact_message:required` &redirectTo=`[[~[[*id]]]]` &fiarTpl=`autoResponseToQuoteRequestTpl` &fiarSubject=`Quote request RE: [[*pagetitle]]`
    &fiarToField=`contact_email` &fiarFromName=`Breakaway Distributing` ]]

    I’ve been at this 2 days. Can anyone help?

      • 28215
      • 4,149 Posts
      When using ` inside the &validate call, use ^ instead. For example:


      Also, you have
      tags inside your snippet call tag. Get rid of them.
        shaun mccormick | bigcommerce mgr of software engineering, former modx co-architect | github | splittingred.com
        • 14125
        • 62 Posts
        Thanks I made these changes and still no error messages. Strange because the form it’s based on works fine...