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    • 30505
    • 5 Posts
    It seems like there’s all sorts of code floating around for checkboxes. I just upgraded to the lastest Revolution ( 2.1.1-pl) and upgraded Formit to the latest version (1.6.0). The checkboxes in the confirmation email that were working before the upgrade, stopped working after the upgrade. I was using some form of inline IF statement to determine if the checkbox was checked or not (e.g. [[+ckbox01:if=`[[+ckbox01]]`:eq=`1`:then=`Output display value`:else=``]] ). The published example did not work for me.

    Now, I’m at a loss to make this work properly. Outputting checkbox values is a simple as dropping in [[+ckbox01]] into the email template. When it’s checked, the checkbox value displays. When it’s not checked, [[+ckbox01]] displays. This is not an acceptable solution for my client.

    Could someone just post a working example that we can all refer to and put this topic to rest once and for all? Thank you! Sorry, I’m a bit exasperated on this issue.
      • 24287
      • 14 Posts
      Outputting checkbox values is a simple as dropping in [[+ckbox01]] into the email template. When it’s checked, the checkbox value displays. When it’s not checked, [[+ckbox01]] displays. This is not an acceptable solution for my client.

      Same here, I was using the same IF statement which stopped working. Would really appreciate it if someone knows how to avoid the [[+ckbox01]].