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  • I have 2 very simple forms on my page, so I’m using the following snippet calls:

    ....plain html forms below....

    This works as expected. However, when I add &store=`1` to one or both of these calls, I get a blank page? No error in the error log.

    Anybody knows what is wrong here? (MODX 2.0.8, latest Formit)

    Things got even weirder: now this works:

    But this doesn’t:

    Really don’t know why (I didn’t change anything), but it’s working now. The M in MODX = Magic? smiley
      Jeroen Kenters

      MODX Professional | MODX Ambassador | Dutch MODX forums moderator

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      • 46 Posts
      Hi JK,

      That is indeed strange. I’m curious if you happened to clear the site cache between the time it didn’t work and when it did? I’ve noticed that on my site multiple instances of formit forms didn’t play together well. I actually had to resolve it by making the forms into chunks and calling them in as such.

      If you figure out what the magic factor was let me know ; ) thanks!