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    • 34039
    • 6 Posts
    Hi everyone,

    I recently set up a form on a website using FormIt using the following call:

    [[!FormIt? &hooks=`spam,validate,email,redirect` &emailTpl=`email-chunk` &redirectTo=`1`  &emailTo=`********`  &emailUseFieldForSubject=`1`  &validate=`pname:required, email:email:required, subject:required, message:required:stripTags, nofill:blank`]]

    The form itself seems to work fine; it correctly sends the email with all the fields that are input using the chunk, etc.

    The problem comes in the manager, when the resource holding the call is brought up. When the resource is either clicked open or refreshed, an email is sent to the email address designated by the “emailTo” parameter from the webmaster email address with no subject as such:

    This needs to be editted to the correct format.
    The following has sent a contact request:
    Name: [[+pname]]
    Email: [[+email]]
    Subject: [[+subject]]
    Message: [[+message]]

    Which is exactly the email chunk specified in the “emailTpl” paramenter.

    I’ve tried completely uninstalling FormIt and reinstalling it. I’m using version 1.5.6 on Revo 2.0.8.

    Also, it stops if you remove the email hook, but that makes the form not function correctly.

    So I was wondering if it was something obvious I missed, or if it’s a problem somewhere else.

    Thanks in advance!
      • 11927
      • 105 Posts
      What is this?

      Try it with that not in there.
        You may or may not want to use the code I write. It's probably all against the syntax rules of php and MODx. smiley

        Carpet Cleaning