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    i would love to itegrate formit and simplecart.js to give a really quick and easy cart system for modx revolution. it’s really easy to get modx & simple cart going together..

    the files for simplecart are below; -this is for the email branch;


    the part of the simplecart.js that calls the email.php is below;

    me.emailCheckout = function() {
    var div = me.updateCartView( document.createElement("div") );
    div = "<div class=’simpleCart_items’>" + div.innerHTML + "</div>";
    $.post("emaail.php" , {div:div} , function(data) {
    alert( data );

    The call on the page the presents the js cart and checkout are;

    Cart: <span class="simpleCart_total"></span> (<span class="simpleCart_quantity"></span> items)

    <a href="javascript:;" class="simpleCart_empty">empty cart</a>


    <div class="simpleCart_items" >

    SubTotal: <span class="simpleCart_total"></span>

    Tax: <span class="simpleCart_taxCost"></span>

    Shipping: <span class="simpleCart_shippingCost"></span>


    Final Total: <span class="simpleCart_finalTotal"></span>

    <a href="javascript:;" class="simpleCart_checkout">checkout</a>

    if i have a formit call on the page is there away to post the contents of the cart data to the formit call?

    &emailTo=`[email protected]`


    many thanks in advance...