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    • 21191
    • 236 Posts

    this is what i’m working on. I want anytime a page is updated it gets a blurb on the front page, anyone?

    I kinda did it with newslister, but it only watches on the top level.
      ~Shawn Himmelberger
      Check out my MODx Development and MODx Design Company - Himmelberger Design
      • 18397
      • 3,250 Posts
      NewsListing now supports multilevel in 6.3.3. but there is a much simpler snippet called ListIndexer that does what you ask.

      From the default template:

      			<li id="recentdocs"><a name="recentdocs"></a><h2>Most Recent:</h2>
        • 21191
        • 236 Posts
        how much newsListing accomplish this? I read through the config on it..

        thanks for the other tip though!
          ~Shawn Himmelberger
          Check out my MODx Development and MODx Design Company - Himmelberger Design
          • 18397
          • 3,250 Posts
          If you upgrade to NewsListing 6.3.3 (search the forums) you will be able to use this call.

          [!NewsListing? &multilevel=1 &startID=0!]

          To get the recently created documents.
            • 27500
            • 14 Posts

            This works, but I want to exclude folders and archives. So, I modified this to:
            [!NewsListing? &multilevel=1 &startID=0 &hidefolders=true &showarch=false !]
            but it displays the archives also. Did I enter the syntax correctly to exclude archives?

            I’m wondering if there’s a bug with "showarch", because I tried this an alternate way at first. That is, I have a folder for each category (ie: car,motorcycle,truck) then I put multiple instances of NewsListing on the index page. The goal is to list the newest article from each category on the /index.html home page. So I got the IDs of the folders and setup something like this:

            [!NewsListingThumb? &startID=`15` &showarch=`false` &summarize=`1` !] # car folder
            [!NewsListingThumb? &startID=`30` &showarch=`false` &summarize=`1` !] # motorcycle folder
            [!NewsListingThumb? &startID=`45` &showarch=`false` &summarize=`1` !] # truck folder

            That shows only latest 1 item per folder, but also shows archive items for each folder. If I take out "summarize" it will show all recent items in the folder with no archive items. So, it appears I can use either "showarch" or "summarize" but not both together.
            • Try &showarch=`0`, for some reason that seems to work better.
                Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
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                • 27500
                • 14 Posts
                Thanks! That worked like magic.

                Since I’m asking questions, what’s the criteria for a "current" article versus an "archive" article? I haven’t run across documentation for that yet. Is that parameter tunable, so that I could define "current" as any article published in the last 30 days, or 2 weeks, etc...

                PS: MODx is awesome. I’m an IT geek, but not a DBA or programmer. In 2 weeks I’ve been able to replicate the format of my Dreamweaver template based site, add more features, automate index creation, increase SEO customization, provide a web GUI for authors to input articles, and train them how to use it. There’s hundreds of CMS solutions, and I’m glad I chose MODx at the last minute. I have to admit I had some reluctance to use pre 1.0 software - but it works great!
                • As far as I can tell, with NewsListing, "archive" is anything beyond what you told it to display; if you tell it to display 3 summaries, then everything before that will be in the "archive" list.

                  But I may be way off on this, the snippet has developed far beyond what it was when I first wrote the blog tutorial section on how to use it.
                    Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
                    Tips and Tricks from the MODX Forums and Slack Channels - http://modxcookbook.com
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