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    I saw an older post on this topic, but with no conclusion (from 2007).

    I’m just trying to make my multiple select box return the actual multiple selections. I have the form working for doing multiple selection, but the return is just the last selection.

    Form Code:
    <select name="Jobs"  id="cfRegarding" class="required"  multiple="multiple" size="3" eform="Select jobs:listbox:1">
    <option value="Write Postcards">Be involved in a mail campaign</option>
    <option value="Go Door to Door">Go Door to Door</option>
    <option value="Event Volunteer">Volunteer at events</option>

    Form Report:
    <p>Name: [+name+]</p>
    <p>Email: [+email+]</p>
    <p>Volunteering For: [+Jobs+]</p>
    <p>comments:<br />[+message+]</p>

    Snippet Call:
    [!eForm? &formid=`ContactForm` &subject=`Website Volunteer Form` &to=`[email protected]` &ccsender=`1` &tpl=`VolunteerForm` &report=`VolunteerFormReport` &invalidClass=`invalidValue` &requiredClass=`requiredValue` &cssStyle=`style` &gotoid=`80` &vericode=`1` !]

    I get a report, but with only the last of the selections. How do I pass all the selections from the form to the report.

    Thank you.
      • 36416
      • 589 Posts
      Quote from: dotDigital at Mar 03, 2010, 06:57 AM

      I get a report, but with only the last of the selections. How do I pass all the selections from the form to the report.

      <select name="Jobs[]" ...>
        • 9995
        • 1,613 Posts
        Glad I found this, couldn't find the error but seemed the name= wasn't correct !
          Evolution user, I like the back-end speed and simplicity smiley