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    I just installed modx and my head is just about to blow off because of that stupid start page message!!!

    Im trying to delete the start page default which is install success doc and it says you cant delete cause its start page. I searched documentation which didnt help at all and deleted all content in the install and added that start page command thying into a different doc and nothing happened!

    Please tell me how to do this before i destroy modx!!!! >:( >:(
    • Hi Coolio10,

      First thing is that you probably won’t be able to delete the first page (well, you could but there’s no need) - you can edit the first page to suit your content, it’s easy to change the content and page title to whatever you want. wink

      The best way to start off is:

      1. Log into your manager. (http://www.yoursite.com/manager/)
      2. In the tree menu on the left hand side, select the page you want to edit.
      3. This will load a preview of the page on the right hand side.
      4. At the top of the preview will be an option to ’Edit’.
      5. Select that, and edit the page title and content to suit your needs. Save your changes and viola! no more install message. smiley

      More information on how to add and edit content can be found in the documentation section here: http://modxcms.com/documentation.html

      Hope that helps, but if you have any more questions then please post back.
        Garry Nutting
        Senior Developer
        MODX, LLC

        Email: [email protected]
        Twitter: @garryn
        Web: modx.com
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        Another important note is to "Keep yourself cool" smiley , schedule some little breaks in your workiourng hs, this keeps your mind fresh and helps you to figure out the solutions of your problems quickly.

        ...and yes, keep in mind "you can’t destroy MODx!"

        I hope you understand.


          Zaigham R - MODX Professional | Skype | Email | Twitter

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