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    • 10076
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    edit, saw to late this is an Efrom sub forum. Sorry missplaced it.


    I have some scripts to insert data (names) through a form and display that data.
    When I insert data all goes well. As soon as names have a ’or ` or " this is inserted in the db, I can see it. But it does not get displayed on the webpage.
    If I change it through PHPmyadmin from eg tést to test it does appear on the webpage?

    Modx 9.6.1p2
    modx character enc: iso-8895-1
    in config.inc.php: $database_connection_charset = ’latin1’;
    db collation is set to latin1-swedish-ci
    tables fields are set to latin1-swedish-ci

    Here one of the tables with that problem:

    idcomp  int(11) No      
    Composer  varchar(255) Yes  NULL    
    Birth  varchar(255) Yes  NULL    
    Nationality  varchar(255) Yes  NULL    
    Opus  varchar(255) Yes  NULL    
    Publisher  varchar(255) Yes  NULL    
    Oddities  varchar(255) Yes  NULL    
    Fname  varchar(255) Yes  NULL    
    Lname  varchar(255) Yes  NULL  

    What is wrong here?

    Heres the script that is reading and displaying the data:

    $idcompdetails = $_GET['idcd'];
    $idcdelete	= $_GET ['idcdel'];
    $idcompmod     = $_GET['idcmod'];
    $idcomp  = $_GET['idcomp'];
    $compchar      = $_GET['compchar'];
    if (strlen($compchar) > 0)
       $select_subset = true;
       $letter = strtoupper(substr($compchar,0,1));
       if (is_numeric($letter))
          $first_is_number = true;
       else $first_is_number = false;
    else $select_subset = false;
    //$result = mysql_query($sql) or die('ERROR: '.$query.' '.mysql_error()); 
    echo '<a Composer="top"></a>'; 
    echo '<a href="index.php?id=2&compchar=0">0-9</a> '; 
    for ($i = 0; $i < 26; $i++): 
    echo '<a href="index.php?id=2&compchar='.$letterlinks[$i].'">'.$letterlinks[$i].'</a> '; 
    ($list = mysql_fetch_object($result)): 
    $letter = strtoupper(substr($list->Composer, 0, 1)); 
    if ($prev_row != '0-9' && is_numeric($letter)): 
    echo '<br /><a Composer="number"></a><b><u>0-9</u></b> '; 
    echo '<a href="#top"><i>goto top</i></a><br />'; 
    $prev_row = '0-9'; 
    if ($letter != $prev_row && !is_numeric($letter)): 
    echo '<br /><a Composer="'.$letter.'"></a><b><u>'.$letter.'</u></b> '; 
    echo '<a href="#top"><i>goto top</i></a><br />'; 
    $prev_row = $letter; 
    echo $list->Composer.'<br />'; 
    //echo "<br>select_subset = " . $select_subset;
    if ($select_subset)
    // 001: Database query
      if ($first_is_number)
         $query = "select * from quartets WHERE lname >= '0%' and lname <= '9%'";
      else $query = "select * from quartets WHERE lname like '".$compchar."%'";
      $query .= " order by lname ASC";
    //echo "<br>query = " . $query;
    // 002: Execute query
      $res = mysql_query($query, $sqlConn);
      if (!$res)
         die ('Could not run query: ' . mysql_error());
      echo "<br><br>";
    echo "   <table border=\"0\" align=\"left\" width=\"580\"valign=\"left\" color=\"#fafafa\" cellpadding=\"10\" cellspacing=\"2\">";
    echo "    <thead>";
    echo "    <tr>";
    echo "      <th scope=\"row\" bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">Last Name</th>";
    echo "      <th scope=\"row\" bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">First Name</th>";
    echo "      <th scope=\"row\" bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">Composition</th>";
    echo "      <th scope=\"row\" bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">Options</th>";
    echo "    </tr>";
    echo "    </thead>";
    echo "    <tbody>";
    $i = 0;
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_BOTH))
      while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_BOTH)) 
        $idcomp      = $row[0];
      $Opus         = $row[4];
        $lname  = $row[8];
        $fname  = $row[7];
    echo "    <tr>";
    echo "
    if($i%2 == 0)
    echo "<tr bgcolor='#F4F6FA'>";
    echo "<tr bgcolor='#E9EDF5'>";
    echo "      <td >".$lname."</td>";
    echo "      <td >".$fname."</td>";
    echo "      <td >".$Opus."</td>";
    echo "      <td ><a href=\"/index.php?id=".$idcompdetails."&idcomp=".$idcomp."&compchar=".$compchar."\">
    <img src=\"http://www.pianoquartet.nl/assets/snippets/nbscripts/images/details.png\" alt=\"Vieuw $lname 's details\" title=\"Vieuw $name 's details\" style=\"border:0\"></a>";
    // als $website niet leeg is.. 
    if ($website ==!'') { 
       // laten we dit stukje zien 
        echo "<a href=\"http://$website\" target=\"new\"> 
    	<img src=\"http://www.pianoquartet.nl/assets/snippets/nbscripts/images/www.png\" alt=\"Go to '.$name.' \'s website\" title=\"Go to '.$name.' 's website\" style=\"border:0\"></a>"; 
    <a href=\"/index.php?id=".$idcompmod."&idcomp=".$idcomp."&compchar=".$compchar."\">
    <img src=\"http://www.pianoquartet.nl/assets/snippets/nbscripts/images/edit.png\" alt=\"Edit $name 's details\" title=\"Edit $name 's details\" style=\"border:0\"></a>";
    if ($email ==!'') { 
    	echo "<a href=\"mailto:$email\">
    	<img src=\"http://www.pianoquartet.nl/assets/snippets/nbscripts/images/email.png\" alt=\"Email $name\" title=\"Email $name\" style=\"border:0\"></a>";
    <a href=\"/index.php?id=".$idcdelete."&idcomp=".$idcomp."&compchar=".$compchar."&abbreviation=".$abbreviation."\">
    <img src=\"http://www.pianoquartet.nl/assets/snippets/nbscripts/images/delete.png\" alt=\"Delete $name\" title=\"Delete $name\" style=\"border:0\"></a></td>";
    echo "    </tr>";
    echo "    </tr>";
      echo "        </tbody></table>";
      • 10449
      • 956 Posts
      To simplify: I would suggest you use the same charset for everything, i.e. UTF-8

      At the begin of your custom snippet, try adding this:

      @mysql_query("SET NAMES ’utf8’");

      (if you’re using UTF-8; otherwise adjust as necessary)

      Also check your HTML template: what did you specifiy there in the HTML head as encoding?

      Some hosting companies have a default collation connection defined, in Europe that’s still often ISO-8859-1 :|
        • 10076
        • 1,024 Posts
        Hi Ganesh

        just noticed that in myPHP the MySQL charset is: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8).

        One thing; in modx eg the user manager I cán use all these characters and they display correct (grrrr).
        Charset used for those tables: latin1_swedish_ci.

        SOLVED: very stupid someone once advised me for this issue to use following in my connections.php:
        mysql_query("SET character_set_client = utf8;");
        mysql_query("SET character_set_results = utf8;");

        Is noticed because I was about to put the lines you advised to use, in there. I commented them out, and voila, even Dvořák gets diplayed correctly. pffew, thanks Ganesh.