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    Hi all,

    I just finished creating a snippet and chunk to populate eform with dynamic data as per the tutorial available in the Wiki. http://wiki.modxcms.com/index.php/Populate_eform_with_dynamic_data#Create_the_Database_Table

    I also created the required modx_mymail_messages table in the database and all the fields necessary with the suggested propersties in the tutorial.

    The form is operating properly as far as validating and submiting data.

    The problem is that there are still no records in the database table.

    Here’s my table structure

    id - unsigned int(5)
    name - varchar(100)
    email - varchar(100)
    subject - varchar(100)
    message - text

    Here my snippet calls

    [!eForm? &tpl=`eFormMailMe` &formid=`EmailForm` &eFormOnBeforeFormParse=`populateMailForm`!]

    And here’s the link to the test page http://itconsmedia.net/mail.html

    I will appreciate any help.

      A MODx Fanatic
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      There’s eForm3DB http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,8111.0.html

      This snippet has been around for quite a while, but for some reason hasn’t made it to the MODx Repository.
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        Hi BobRay,

        Thanks for the tip. I’m working on it now and I hope it will work because I was quiete stuck with the solution I tried first
          A MODx Fanatic
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          Quote from: treigh at Sep 21, 2008, 04:21 AM

          Hi BobRay,

          Thanks for the tip. I’m working on it now and I hope it will work because I was quiete stuck with the solution I tried first

          I tried this, but all i’m getting is a white page on page load. See here http://itconsmedia.net/index.php?id=47
          It seems very straightforward, but somehow it’s still not working.

          Any help please
            A MODx Fanatic
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            I’ve never used eForm2DB so I may not be much help.

            Did you create the snippet? Are you sure the spelling in your snippet call matches the name of the snippet (it’s case-sensitive).

            Paste your snippet call from the blank page into a reply here so we can look at it.

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              And your custom snippet has to be called before the eForm snippet call.
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                • 30585
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                Hi guys,

                I should point out that when I remove the [[eForm2db]] call, the form shows up just fine. I can give you access to the manager so you can view it first-hand if you want

                Here are my snippet calls.

                [!eForm? &noemail=`true` &formid=`ecrewquoteform` &eFormOnBeforeMailSent=`eForm2db` &tpl=`ecrew-quoteform2` &automessage=`ecrew-quotethankyou`!]

                Thanks for your help.

                  A MODx Fanatic
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                  You must have a syntax error in your eform2db code. Double check it for missing ; ) } and ". Also check for typos in the function name.
                    [font=Verdana]Shane Sponagle | [wiki] Snippet Call Anatomy | MODx Developer Blog | [nettuts] Working With a Content Management Framework: MODx

                    Something is happening here, but you don't know what it is.
                    Do you, Mr. Jones? - [bob dylan]
                    • 30585
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                    Hi there,

                    Thanks for taking the time to help. I really appreciate it. I did a quick check, I must admit that I’m not a PHP guru, but I don’t see any problem.
                    Here’s the code

                    function eForm2db( &$fields )
                    		Version: 0.1 [Beta 1]
                    		Author: pixelchutes
                    			eForm 1.4+
                    			- Takes validated eForm submittal data for use with the MODx DBAPI extender class.								
                    			- Easily process database records referencing your form submission data:				  
                    			  + INSERT new records to a table of your choice				  
                    			  + UPDATE existing records if you'd prefer				  
                    			  + DELETE records based on form submittal criteria				  
                    			  + Form a query and return its record set as XML using $modx->db->getXML				  
                    			  + Query a table's MetaData using $modx->db->getTableMetaData, followed by an update query
                    			    on only the form fields that are named after table columns!				    
                    			  + and much more! 
                    		// Bring needed resources into scope
                    		global $modx, $table_prefix;
                    		// Init our array
                    		$dbTable = array(); // key = DB Column; Value = Insert/Update value
                    		// Insert field/value pairs to insert/update in our table
                    		$dbTable[name] = $fields[first_name].' '.$fields[last_name]; // Merge two form fields together
                    		$dbTable[datetime] = date( 'YmdHis', strtotime( $fields[postdate] ) ); // Massage the postdate timestamp to be MySQL insert friendly
                    		// INSERT - $dbQuery = $modx->db->insert( $dbTable, $table_prefix . 'insertTableName' );
                    		// UPDATE - $dbQuery = $modx->db->update( $dbTable, $table_prefix . 'updateTableName' );
                    		// DELETE - $dbQuery = $modx->db->delete( $table_prefix . 'deleteFromTableName', 'some_field = 1 AND name=\''.$dbTable[name].'\'', '' );
                    		// etc...
                    		// Run the db insert query
                    		$dbQuery = $modx->db->insert( $dbTable, $table_prefix . 'insertTableName' );		
                    		return true;
                    	// Return empty string
                    	return '';
                      A MODx Fanatic
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                      It looks as though this code is just a suggestion of how to do things. It would need to be customized for your needs. It assumes, for example, that you have a first_name and last_name field in your table and a datetime field. I also don’t see any place that’s selecting the DB table you want to modify. I guess that’s why it’s Version 0.1 Beta 1 wink
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