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    I’m sure i’ve done something wrong here...i’m not sure where to add any validation to eform. I understand that the [+validationmessage+] will display the validaion message but i can’t see where to make the inputs manadatory.
    as an example..
    	<label accesskey="e" for="email">Your Email Address<span class="required">(required)</span></label><br />
    	<input class="textfield" id="email" maxlength="40" name="email" size="40" type="text" />

    ..do i add &requiredClass somewhere on the form to make a mandatory field?

    Thanks for any help
         WEB | DESIGN | PRINT
    • You need to add the custom eform attribute to the field (don’t worry about validation, the attribute is removed when eForm processes the form template)
      <label accesskey="e" for="email">Your Email Address<span class="required">(required)</span></label><br />
      	<input class="textfield" id="email" maxlength="40" name="email" size="40" type="text" eform="Email:email:1" />

      The eForm documentation goes into a lot more detail about using the field attribute, but basically it’s eform="Field Label:expected data type:required (0 or 1)". The Field Label will be what is used in the invalid error message; the expected data type can be left blank if it’s plain text or a few other type (again, the documentation goes into more detail); the required part is 1 for required, 0 for not required. Even if the field is not required, you still need the eform attribute if you want this field to be available as a placeholder (in the report template, for example).
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