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    • 28853
    • 34 Posts
    I’m setting up a user to login and get redirected to the frontend (to use Quickedit) and i type a working ID in to the "Manager Login Startup"
    When i login the redirected url is "http://sub.hostname.se/modx//modx/index.php?id=38" Where is this extra //modx coming from?

    Other question: Does a user have to be administrator to use the Quickedit? I tried to make a new role and assign the user to it, but when i logged in the Quickedit was not showing.

      • 28853
      • 34 Posts
      I found a snippet that fixed the frontend login with correct redirection.

      Still, the other question.. Can i use Quickedit with non-admin users?
        • 28853
        • 34 Posts
        Yes! Im talking to myself smiley

        I solved the other question aswell.. In the Role-permissions "Run Module" has to be active.
          • 11526
          • 93 Posts
          Quote from: sundstorm at Feb 16, 2006, 10:00 AM

          I found a snippet that fixed the frontend login with correct redirection.

          Still, the other question.. Can i use Quickedit with non-admin users?

          Which snippet did you use, because i am trying to do the same tongue
            • 28853
            • 34 Posts
            Sorry for the late answer.

            The snipper i used was ManagerLogin

             *  Written by: Adam Crownoble
             *  Contact: [email protected]
             *  Created: 7/31/2005
             *  Updated: 8/6/2005
             *  Updated: 12/05/2005 - Updated for MODx 0.9.1 support including login startup pages
             *  Name: ManagerLogin
             *  Description: Allows you to login to the manager through the frontend
            // TODO: Include Captcha support
            $errors = array();
            $_lang = array('username'=>'Användarnamn',
                           'remember_username'=>'Kom ihåg mig.',
                           'login_button'=>'Logga in');
            $db = $modx->dbConfig['dbase'];
            $pre = $modx->dbConfig['table_prefix'];
            $max_attempts = 3;
            if(!($action = $_POST['action'])) { $action = $_GET['action']; }
            $username = $_POST['username'];
            $form_password = $_POST['password'];
            $rememberme = $_POST['rememberme'];
            switch($action) {
             case 'login':
              // invoke OnBeforeManagerLogin event
              $modx->invokeEvent("OnBeforeManagerLogin", array("username"=>$username, "userpassword"=>$form_password, "rememberme"=>$rememberme));
              $sql = "SELECT ATT.*, USR.*
                      FROM $db.{$pre}user_attributes ATT
                      INNER JOIN $db.{$pre}manager_users USR ON ATT.internalKey = USR.id
                      WHERE username = '$username';";
              $result = $modx->db->query($sql);
              // Was blocked, not anymore
              if($usr_failedlogins >= $max_attemts && $usr_blockeduntil < time()) {
               $sql = "UPDATE $db.{$pre}user_attributes
                       SET failedlogincount = '0',
                           blockeduntil = '".(time()-1)."'
                       WHERE internalKey = '$usr_internalKey';";
              if($modx->db->getRecordCount($result) == 1) {
               extract($modx->db->getRow($result), EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'usr');
            // ERROR CHECKING //
              // Username exists?
              } else {
               $errors[] = 'Username not found';
              // Still blocked?
              if($usr_failedlogins >= $max_attempts && $usr_blockeduntil > time()) { $errors[] = 'Your account is blocked. Try again later.'; }
              // Blocked?
              if($usr_blocked == '1') { $errors[] = 'Your account is blocked'; }
              // Still blocked?
              if($usr_blockeduntil > time()) { $errors[] = 'Your account is blocked. Try again later.'; }
              // Account expired?
              if($usr_blockedafterd > 0 && $usr_blockedafter < time()) { $errors[] = 'Your account is blocked. Try again later.'; }
              // IP allowed?
              if($allowed_ip && strpos($usr_allowed_ip, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) === false) { $errors[] = 'Login not allwed from this IP address.'; }
              // Weekday allowed?
              $today = getdate();
              if ($allowed_days && strpos($allowed_days, $today['wday']+1) === false) { $errors[] = 'You are not allowed to login today.'; }
              // invoke OnManagerAuthentication event
              $rt = $modx->invokeEvent("OnManagerAuthentication", array("userid"=>$usr_internalKey, "username"=>$usr_username, "userpassword"=>$form_password, "savedpassword"=>$usr_password, "rememberme"=>$rememberme));
              // check if plugin authenticated the user
              if (!$rt||(is_array($rt) && !in_array(true,$rt))) {
               // Passwords match?
               // Don't check unless there are no errors so far.
               // Otherwise blocked users will still be able to check for valid passwords.
               if(!$errors) {
                if($usr_password != md5($form_password)) { $errors[] = 'Invalid password.'; }
              // If there were errors clear the session data
              if($errors) {
              } else {
               // Otherwise set the session data
               $_SESSION['usertype'] = 'manager';
               $_SESSION['mgrShortname'] = $usr_username;
               $_SESSION['mgrFullname'] = $usr_fullname;
               $_SESSION['mgrEmail'] = $usr_email;
               $_SESSION['mgrValidated'] = 1;
               $_SESSION['mgrInternalKey'] = $usr_internalKey;
               $_SESSION['mgrFailedlogins'] = $usr_failedlogins;
               $_SESSION['mgrLastlogin'] = $usr_lastlogin;
               $_SESSION['mgrLogincount'] = $usr_nrlogins;
               $_SESSION['mgrRole'] = $usr_role;
               // Role permissions
               $sql="SELECT * FROM $db.{$pre}user_roles where id=$usr_role;";
               $result = $modx->db->query($sql);
               $_SESSION['mgrPermissions'] = $modx->db->getRow($result);
               // Document Group permissions
               $groups = '';
               $i = 0;
               $sql = "SELECT access.documentgroup
                       FROM $db.{$pre}member_groups groups
                       INNER JOIN $db.{$pre}membergroup_access access ON access.membergroup = groups.user_group
                       WHERE groups.member = $usr_internalKey";
               $result = $modx->db->query($sql);
               while ($row = $modx->db->getRow($result)) {
                $groups[$i++] = $row['documentgroup'];
               $_SESSION['mgrDocgroups'] = $groups;
              // invoke OnManagerLogin event
              $modx->invokeEvent("OnManagerLogin", array("userid"=>$internalKey, "username"=>$username, "userpassword"=>$givenPassword, "rememberme"=>$rememberme));
              if($_SESSION['mgrValidated']) {
               // check if we should redirect user to a web page
               $tbl = $modx->getFullTableName('user_settings');
               $id = $modx->db->getValue("SELECT setting_value FROM {$tbl} WHERE user = '{$usr_internalKey}' AND setting_name = 'manager_login_startup';");
               if(isset($id) && $id>0) {
                $url = $modx->makeUrl($id);
                header("Location: {$url}");
             case 'logout':
              $usr_internalKey = $modx->getLoginUserID();
              $username = $_SESSION['mgrShortname'];
              $_SESSION = array();
              if(isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) { setcookie(session_name(), '', time()-42000, '/'); }
              $sessionID = md5(date('d-m-Y H:i:s'));
            if($_SESSION['mgrValidated']) {
            $html = <<<EOD
            <p id="logged_in">
             <strong>You are already logged in.</strong><br />
             <a href="index.php?id={$modx->documentIdentifier}&action=logout">Logout</a> | <a href="[~[(site_start)]~]">Return to Homepage</a>
            } else {
            $error_html = '<p>'.implode('</p><p>',$errors).'</p>';
            $css = <<<EOD
            <style type="text/css">
            #login_form label{
            #login_form input.text, #login_form input.password{
            #login_form input.checkbox {
            #login_form div.field_box {
            margin:10px 0;
            #login_form div.submit_box {
            #login_form p.error{
            $html = <<<EOD
            <div id="login_form">
            <form method="post" action="[~[*id*]~]">
             <input type="hidden" name="action" value="login" />
             <div class="field_box">
              <label id="username_label" for="username">$_lang[username]</label>
              <input id="username" class="text" type="text" name="username" value="$username" />
             <div class="field_box">
              <label id="password_label" for="password">$_lang[password]</label>
              <input id="password" class="password" type="password" name="password" value="" />
             <div class="field_box">
              <input id="rememberme" class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="rememberme" value="1" />
              <label id="rememberme_label" for"rememberme">$_lang[remember_username]</label>
             <div class="submit_box">
              <button type="submit">$_lang[login_button]</button>
            return $html;
              • 26799
              • 177 Posts
              have you perhaps discovered a way to keep sed users out of the manager, yet still allow them acces to the module and it’s manager dependent functions?