Is there a way to be able to select the ’insert link’ button -> then bring up the file browser and have it see image files? Right now, if you hit the ’insert link’ button, bring up the file browser it will not display any images in the directory. My client would like to insert links to images that have been uploaded – without having to figure out the path etc. manually.
What I’ve done is placed a symbolic link in the ’files’ directory that links to the images directory like so
images/ -> ../images
Yet the file browser will not display any images.
This would be absolutely awesome. I really need this feature to link image thumbnails with their bigger version.
I am right not sure how to implement this feature without bigger problems.
Please, i would really appreciate any help in this direction.
This is more of an MCPUK problem than anything. Should have an alternative to the MCPUK file browser pretty soon. Just need to add some configuration support and a few other things. Would like to get an early beta out very soon.
Jeff Whitfield
"I like my coffee hot and strong, like I like my women, hot and strong... with a spoon in them."
Wow… that sounds great. Sorry for the late response. I was away from computing for the holidays… :-D
Well. I really do hope that there will be an update soon. Still very interested in getting this thing solved.
Right now, there is massive User interaction necessary to get this task completed (like copying Url’s).
Great stuff nevertheless,,, thanks for caring.
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Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup
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