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    • 27843
    • 170 Posts
    Silver Zachara Reply #1, 16 years ago

    I have problem with uploading files(images) through FCKEditor.

    When i upload image to the folder assets/images/ so it’s without problem and image is uploaded.

    But when I create folder through FCKEditor in assets/image/ folder and I try upload image to this new created folder so I get dialog Failed to upload file, internal error

    In chmod isn’t problem the image folder have 0777 and folders which I create through FCKEditor have 0777 permissions too.

    But when i create folder in assets/images/ dir through FTP so uploading images is without problem.

    How can I resolve this problem ? Can I tell somehow to FCKEditor, so as created folders through FTP protocol ?

    Thank you for any advices and suggestions
      • 15001
      • 697 Posts
      Very strange. Never had this problem.
      Can this be due to some image extensions not allowed by your remote hosting ?
      Sometimes, GIF pictures or other types are disallowed.
        • 27843
        • 170 Posts
        Quote from: Jul at Feb 17, 2009, 03:48 PM

        Very strange. Never had this problem.
        Can this be due to some image extensions not allowed by your remote hosting ?
        Sometimes, GIF pictures or other types are disallowed.

        There isn’t problem in picture extension
          • 36699
          • 8 Posts
          Phew! I’m not alone with this problem. Upload to /images works fine, whenever I create a folder and then upload an image to that it fails.

          Log files from server say: "Cache unable to open file for writing: /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com.au/httpdocs/assets/cache/rss//2552d997701d0d006f31cce7d173cba6, referer: http://www.mydomain.com.au/manager/"

          Checked cache directory and files which all have CHMOD 0777.

          If it helps any, the rss/ folder which resides in cache/ is created by Apache and I can’t seem to change the permissions of this.

          Very odd undecided
            • 15001
            • 697 Posts
            @uniqueIntention: Strange. Normally FCKeditor is configured to look in assets/images for pictures
            In my case, in Tools->Configuration the path for ressources looks like :
            ("mysubsite" is the folder where I installed MODx.)
            Maybe you cannot go up the folder that is given as root for your FCKeditor.
            Did you try checking the path to ressources and using the "regular" assets/images folder for your pictures.
            I hope this can help, but don’t have any idea about the source of your problem. Regards.
              • 36699
              • 8 Posts
              Hmmm my config paths are as follows:

              Resource path:

              Resource URL:

              Using on Apache, PHP 5.0.4 and MYSQL 4.1.2

              Any help would be very much appreciated! smiley
                • 36592
                • 970 Posts
                Quote from: uniqueIntention at Feb 18, 2009, 01:12 AM

                Log files from server say: "Cache unable to open file for writing: /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com.au/httpdocs/assets/cache/rss//2552d997701d0d006f31cce7d173cba6, referer: http://www.mydomain.com.au/manager/"
                This error has nothing to do with the FCKEditor.
                I think it comes from RSS feed in your modx manager .

                And I suspect you have SAFE mode restriction of your PHP configuration...?
                  • 36699
                  • 8 Posts
                  And I suspect you have SAFE mode restriction of your PHP configuration...?

                  Yeah sorry forgot to mention that. The site in question isn’t hosted on my server platform, the client wanted it on a shared hosting solution and unfortunately the hosts have a policy of not allowing safe mode to be turned off.

                  Is there any way around this, or am I well up the proverbial creek?
                    • 27843
                    • 170 Posts
                    Is there any way, how can I create dir through FCKEditor and wite to him when is SAFE MOD on ?
                      • 18646
                      • 106 Posts
                      I’m experiencing the same problem. Any docs uploaded into sub folders fail. The only way to upload docs into sub folders is to manually create them via FTP and set the permissions to 0777. Obviously this is no good. I tried forcing MODx to chmod all new files and folders created via the manager to 777, but still no dice, can’t upload.

                      I’m running on a Plesk Powered Media Temple Virtual server. Running PHP 5.2.6. Anyone have insight to this issue?


                      :: UPDATE ::
                      I fixed it, just needed to turn safe mode off smiley