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    • 36447
    • 98 Posts
    One of the most critical components of a good CMF/CMS is a decent image manager/editor.

    What’s the use of such a powerful content manager--as modx most certainly is--without the ability to easily add and edit images within the text editor?

    If you look through the forum archives, you’ll see that FCKeditor is bloated, temperamental and full of problems. Like others here, I’ve spent many hours trying to get this editor to work correctly.

    TinyMCE sells a much nicer image editor (called MCImageManager) which I’ve purchased and use on other systems. It is a simple plugin in TinyMCE.

    I know this has been discussed in the past: http://modxcms.com/forums/index.php/topic,13910.0.html

    Is it possible to replace FCKeditor in modx with MCImageManager? Has anyone done this and will share the necessary code edits?
    • The FCKeditor is different from the MCPuck Image manager, but we agree. No experience with Tiny’s commercial manager though.
        Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
        Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
        • 36447
        • 98 Posts
        Maybe we should call it MCPuckFCKer...

        I know the good folks behind MODX can’t install MCImageManager as the default. I’m just betting someone out there has implemented it inside the TinyMCE text editor. In the standard TinyMCE, it’s just a matter of adding the plugin and jiggering the config file to redirect the link to MCImageManager instead of MCPuckFCKer ... I mean MCPuck.

        I’m hoping someone knows the answer.