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    Have a slight issue in that one style in my fckstyles.xml refuses to display it’s name in the WYSIWYG styles dropdown. I’ve tried changing the name, amending the style in the corresponding css file to ensure it appears as black text, but nothing. clicking the blank select element does apply the style to selected text so I’m wondering if it’s a positioning issue?

    Here’s the contents of my fckstyles.xml

    <Style name="half width block" element="div">
    <Attribute name="class" value="contBlock"/>
    <Style name="full block" element="div">
    <Attribute name="class" value="fwBlock"/>
    <Style name="heading" element="h1"/>
    <Style name="sub-heading" element="h2"/>
    <Style name="paragraph" element="p"/>
    <Style name="bold" element="strong"/>
    <Style name="italic" element="em"/>
    <Style name="Contact details" element="ul">
    <Attribute name="class" value="contact"/>

    It’s the full block style btw.

    Anyone come across this issue before? Any ideas of how to resolve?
    • You’ll likely need to direct this question to the FCKEditor support forums.