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    I have a bit of an odd problem occurring on one of my web sites, which is managed by a number of other people. Every now and then links to other pages are incorrectly interpretted, so for instance [~24~] does not generate www.voicemail.org.uk/24.html but www.voicemail.org.uk/assets/plugins/fckeditor/editor/24.html. Any idea what might be causing this?

    My biggest problem here is that I can’t recreate the problem. My client is apparently entering the link correctly in the editor, but when it gets saved it all goes wrong. I’ve tested on Firefox (Mac and Win) and IE7 and not been able to find out how my client is causing it to break. I’ve checked all the settings in the System Configuration and everything’s fine there. It’s happened before, and it’s not to do with FURLs either because this was happening before I turned them on.

      Matthew Dawkins
      We make web sites for churches
      Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com/chapter9