I have this error while trying to install the package:
Console running...
PHP warning: ZipArchive::extractTo() [ziparchive.extractto]: Invalid or unitialized Zip object
Attempting to install package with signature: tinymce-4.3.0-rc2
Could not install package with signature: tinymce-4.3.0-rc2
PHP warning: ZipArchive::close() [ziparchive.close]: Invalid or unitialized Zip object
Package found...now preparing to install.
xPDOZip: Error opening archive at /home/brunet11/public_html/core/packages/tinymce-4.3.0-rc2.transport.zip
Could not unpack package /home/brunet11/public_html/core/packages/tinymce-4.3.0-rc2.transport.zip to /home/brunet11/public_html/core/packages/. SIG: tinymce-4.3.0-rc2
Is this package corrupt ?
In both methods (direct download and package management) the zip files have the same dimension of 1.4 Mb (downloaded file and file in /core/packages)
Your PHP ZipArchive extension is faulty. Go to System Settings and change the setting ’archive_with’ to 1.
shaun mccormick | bigcommerce mgr of software engineering, former modx co-architect |
github |
I think you have to set system setting: "archive_with" to yes.
Thanks very much. This setting solved.
Had problem installing TinyMCE, searched this forum, followed the Archive_with instruction and it's working now! Thank you very much.