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    Unlike many of the MCE plugins, which have no additional support files/special config settings, the spellchecker has a whole set of files that the modx module distribution leaves out (config.php, classes [dir], includes [dir], and rpc.php). For what reason have these been removed? Can settings be made elsewhere in the modx core to make this plug-in functional?

    If this plug-in is simply not implementable yet, I’d consider removing the contents of the spellchecker directory all together and providing a readme within it stating the current incompatibility, and welcoming any development from the community. I’d kindly suggest this approach in general when functionality is removed from any public open source software that is ported into the modx system. It could save a lot of head-scratching in and outside the forums.

    Thanks for your ear, and possible solutions to activating spellchecker smiley
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