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    • 26113
    • 88 Posts
    For some reason when I create a link in my editor, it will change it after going back and editing.

    I created a link <a href="/contact.html">Contact Us</a>
    Oddly, it removes the leading slash - which is essential because I am working with relative links.
    If I use ../../ notation, it saves it and it works, but if I go back and edit the page, it will remove that and I will have to reset the link.

    Also, on another setup I’ve seen it where it would offer a list of pages in modx in which I can just choose the page to link to, but they are not showing up - how can I get that list to display?

    Thank you
      • 8489
      • 90 Posts
      "Also, on another setup I’ve seen it where it would offer a list of pages in modx in which I can just choose the page to link to, but they are not showing up - how can I get that list to display?"

      I have the same problem with modx with the latest security fixes and TinyMCE 2.1.3.
      The only thing that is showing up to link to, is an index.html file inside a map called Files.
      Is there a fix for this?

      With kind regards,
        • 25969
        • 118 Posts
        Firstly, I’ll answer the second question which you I assume you are talking about the ’Link List’ which is now disabled by default. You can enable it in the TinyMCE Configuration page located at "Resources > Manage Resources > Plugins > TinyMCE > Configuration".

        Secondly, referring to your first question, try changing the ’Path Options’ setting in the same area and see if this helps.
          • 8489
          • 90 Posts
          Link List is enabled, but that don’t work