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    Hi all,

    We are working on a custom module for managing records in a database of members. Each member has a bio and we want to use TinyMCE as the Rich Text Editor for the Bio within the Module, but we are running into some javascript errors.

    Here is the PHP code we are using in the Module to call TinyMCE.

    $evtOut = $modx->invokeEvent("OnRichTextEditorInit", array('editor' => 'TinyMCE', 'elements' => array('bio')));
    if (is_array($evtOut)) echo implode("", $evtOut);

    It works and the textarea gets replaced with an instance of TinyMCE, however whenever we make any changes to the contents of the editor, the following javascript error occurs.

    Error: i.oldTargetElement.onchange is not a function

    Is there another step we need to take?

    Thanks a lot,
