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    • 18488
    • 2 Posts
    Here’s hoping you can help.
    I have a new site using Modx 0.9.5 and TinyMCE running on a 2003 / apache server using WAMP.

    In manager when I edit a page, tinymce loads fine and I can do things like insert images and standard formating fine, but all of the drop down lists for style, block font and font size are displaying incorrectly showing system variables instead of the values.

    For example. Instead of a nice clean list of
    H1, H2, H3 in the theme drop down I have {$lang_theme_h1}, {$lang_theme_h2} and {$lang_theme_h3}.

    Any ideas whats going on? There must be a path setting out somewhere or something but I have no idea where to start looking. Anybody had this before? huh


    Further testing has made me think that this is related to paths.
    Below are the server details - maybe they’ll help.
    server name web01 IP DNS alias is www.pluss.local
    I have configured apache using vhosts.conf so that www.pluss.local points to the modx folder so www.pluss.local is the same as http://web01/modx

    However the only url that doesn’t give me the fault is , any other address gives me the unresolved variable names.
      • 20289
      • 958 Posts
      i had the same problem in localhost, im not sure that its related to path!?
      try to configure and assign the same values for the mysql connection collation and the values you enter when you install modx.
      assume we have a new database with collation utf8_persian_ci then the mysql connetcion collation and value you set when you install modx should be same as utf8_persian_ci or something similar to fit in your language charset display.
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