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  • MODx is not a blogging platform or YAPS or any other off the shelf solution for that matter ... but you sure can mold it into just about anything you want with a large degree of flexibility and capability. For tons of folks (almost all of my personal clients), the fact that you can blog using MODx doesn’t even remotely factor into their decision-making criteria. As such, I think your opinion therefore might be a bit myopic. And finally, your adjectives provide no quantifiable baselines ("blows", "sophisticated" ...), so it’s pointless to try to explain otherwise.

    "Sophisticated blogging" is hardly a factor in the success that’s wildly surpassed our most optimistic expectations to date. So in my mind as the project co-founder, you’re entirely wrong. I don’t see it hindering our plans or goals one iota. tongue
      Ryan Thrash, MODX Co-Founder
      Follow me on Twitter at @rthrash or catch my occasional unofficial thoughts at thrash.me
      • 5727
      • 160 Posts
      On a side note, I think Ryan is right when he says that MODx is way above the blogging issues. I mean, if what you need is a blog for dummy, hand off wordpress to your client and he’ll be happy. If you’re a developer who wants to make something good on some solid rock base, get MODx. Just my 2 cents.

      On topic, I think the problem might be in the way that the TinyMCE plug-in is built. When I save it in the back-end, the same apostrophes don’t get changed to numeric entities, while on the front-end they do. I think it needs further investigating, but this is a rather obscure bug. Anyone had more luck?
        Olivier Deland
        Montreal, Canada - Web Developer