Another goodie for the TinyMCE editor

But first a warning. This is very much an alpha version and definitively should not be used in any production environment! I’m posting it here for some feedback and to see if someone want’s to help me push it in the right direction. My javascript is a little stale...
See the readme.txt file in the attached zip. file and the example screenshot.
1. unzip "" into the assets/plugins/timymce/ folder.
2. Add "modxsnippet" to the plugins in the TinyMCE configuration. In MODx this
needs to be done in the TinyMCE plugin in 2 places. Look for the $fullScript
variable and add ’modxsnippet’ to this the plugins setting (around line 227)
and add a button to a toolbar (around line 234)
It should look like this (without the newlines - I broke up the lines for clarity):
EDIT: For the 0.9.5 version things have changed quite a bit so you may have to look around in the TinyMce plugin configuration a bit. You can probably set this on the configuration tab now, although I haven’t checked that out myself yet.
line 227:
plugins : "style,layer,table,advhr,advimage,advlink,emotions,insertdatetime,
line 234:
theme_advanced_buttons4 : "insertlayer,moveforward,movebackward,absolute,|,
3. Set the TinyMCE theme to full featured in System Configuration.
Go and edit a page and you should see an extra button on the toolbar. Click and enjoy!
version 0.3:
- Will now recognize when you have selected a snippet call in the content editor ( but only if you select the whole snippet call ie from [[ to and including ]] )
- Shows a list of parameters if you expose them in each snippet configuration (see readme file for instructions)
- Supports languages. Currently Dutch and Englisg included (as those are the only ones I’ve mastered enough)
- Updated paths in the zip file