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    Hi I’m currently working on a site I have migrated to evo1.04. Still a relative newbie trying to make sense of what you use for what. Right now I’m trying to make sense of how to handle images - especially in terms of end-user editing / uploading.

    I took the evo install option that gives all the add-ons but without the sample site. Using a similar install I worked through the example using TVs and images at
    which was good.

    I noted though that the image upload was accomplished using the FCKeditor, so i wanted to check what version, but when I looked in manage elements / combined view I could not see it listed.

    I decided anyway to upgrade and install the latest released version (2.6.5), which went without problem, but now my image upload no longer works. The saying "if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it springs to mind"!

    Anyway - is FCKeditor the tool to use for images? If so - what do I need to do to get it working? I’m pretty sure it’s a path problem - I found an fckconfig.js and I found

    but I couldn’t find where I set the FCKConfig.BasePath

    I note too that CKEditor seems to be the new incarnation of FCKeditor, so I would be happy to go to that if I can just find reliable instructions for use with modx 1.04

    Thanks for any advice...
      • 4420
      • 60 Posts
      hmm - perhaps I should have explained just what was not working...

      Anyway, one thing has become more clear: I installed the CKeditor following the instructions at

      and that seems to be good - except that I notice that when, within the CKeditor running in the front end within quickmanager, I double click on an image to edit it, then click the ’browse server’ button it loads FCKeditor - Resources Browser, which is the bit I’m have trouble with. So it seems this bit is an integral part of evo irrespective of whether you have installed the FCKeditor or not.

      The problem I am having is that if I then click on the browse button I can select an image file, then click on the upload button and I get a message that says
      Upload a new file in this folder (Upload in progress, please wait... 0%)
      and that’s where it stays... no progress no upload

      also I can’t see anything within the folder at the top of the window - just a path of / - which is what makes me think it might be a path problem.

      Where does this bit of the FCKeditor - the part that is part of modx even if you have not installed fckeditor - get its path from?

      thanks for any help...
      • The resource browser used is found in manager/media/browser. The rich text editor just has this embedded.

        The path for it is set in the Configuration, in the Interface and Features tab. You should also check the File Manager tab, and the individual users’ User tabs for more path and URL settings. Usually just assets/ is fine for the URL, the path has to be the full file system path from the server’s root (something like /home/domain/www/modx/assets/, or in one of my local dev environment cases /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/calendar/assets/)

        If you’re sure the paths and URLs are all correct, the problem may be that you have a server security setting that only allows scripts to "drill" down to a certain directory level; there have been issues where this was set to only allow scripts to be run from 5 levels deep, while the resource browser requires 6 levels.
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          • 4420
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          Thanks Susan - yet again - your help is much appreciated.

          I decided that I had got into a bit of a mess with installing and uninstalling different bits that it would be good to restart from a known state so I did a db backup, re-installed 1.0.4 with all the bits but no sample site, reloaded my db, went through my system config again, paying attention to the two paths you mention, which were correct, and now the file upload works OK.

          I found one important piece of info from trawling through these forum pages that did not seem to be clear anywhere else: that my images need to be in assets/images to be visible in the resources browser (with the default paths), not (as they were) in assets/sitename/images.

          Thanks again.