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    • 29401
    • 4 Posts
    I imported a DB from ModX 0.9.3 to my fresh install of 1.0.3. Somehow the old tinyMCE plugin, apparently located in /plugins/tinymce3241/ didn’t get unregistered/updated or whatever. I had to manually change the folder name and location of the language choosing file tinymce.lang.php to get all errors straightened. In the process I checked *everything*, reuploaded tinymce from a fresh ModX 1.0.3 etc. Now the only error left when I want to use the editor in the manager is the following, which I can’t seem to manage:

    "Fatal error: Call to undefined function getTinyMCEScript() in /******/manager/includes/document.parser.class.inc.php(746) : eval()’d code on line 43"

    The erroneous function in document.parser.class.inc.php is:

    But the tinyMCE is right there in it’s folder and associated in the plugin config file:
    $pluginfolder = "tinymce";

    I even manually removed all other instances of the plugin config from the DB. There should only be one TinyMCE plugin, but there is none showing...

    Any ideas would be much appreciated.

    Oh, and thanx for supporting a great app!
    • I would completely remove TinyMCE, plugin, files and all (I believe that older versions of MODx also had a module), then re-install it. It would probably be easiest for you to upload the assets/plugins/tinymce folder and the original install folder (download MODx 1.0.3 again if necessary), then run the installer in upgrade mode, clearing all checkboxes except the one for TinyMCE when you get to the install optional items page.

      To manually install it (after uploading the assets/plugins/tinymce folder) create a new plugin, paste in the code in the tinymce.tpl file (in assets/plugins/tinymce).

      In the Configuration tab, put this in the Plugin Configuration field:
      &customparams=Custom Parameters;textarea; &mce_formats=Block Formats;text;p,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,div,blockquote,code,pre &entity_encoding=Entity Encoding;list;named,numeric,raw;named &entities=Entities;text; &mce_path_options=Path Options;list;rootrelative,docrelative,fullpathurl;docrelative &mce_resizing=Advanced Resizing;list;true,false;true &disabledButtons=Disabled Buttons;text; &link_list=Link List;list;enabled,disabled;enabled &webtheme=Web Theme;list;simple,editor,creative,custom;simple &webPlugins=Web Plugins;text;style,advimage,advlink,searchreplace,contextmenu,paste,fullscreen,nonbreaking,xhtmlxtras,visualchars,media &webButtons1=Web Buttons 1;text;undo,redo,selectall,|,pastetext,pasteword,|,search,replace,|,nonbreaking,hr,charmap,|,image,link,unlink,anchor,media,|,cleanup,removeformat,|,fullscreen,code,help &webButtons2=Web Buttons 2;text;bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,sub,sup,|,|,blockquote,bullist,numlist,outdent,indent,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,styleselect,formatselect,|,styleprops &webButtons3=Web Buttons 3;text; &webButtons4=Web Buttons 4;text; &webAlign=Web Toolbar Alignment;list;ltr,rtl;ltr &width=Width;text;100% &height=Height;text;400

      In the System Events tab, check these events:

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        • 29401
        • 4 Posts
        Thanx Susan!
        I should have taken the reinstall track at first. It helped at once. Now the TinyMCE version is 3.3.2 and I didn’t have to do the other stuff you described.

        I erased and reinstalled the whole app. Only thing I forgot is backing up my Wayfinder config, so now I have to redo that... own fault wink Should be fixed after a coffee!

        All the best,