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    • 17705
    • 501 Posts
    EDIT: it was problems with the language file charset


    Im using utf8 as charset...

    I tried editing a template and saving it, then open it and all the extended characters are broken (so, utf8 is lost)
    then I have seen the code of that frame and it is using iso8859-1... that is the problem?
    all the information saved with the RTE will be saved as iso8859-1 instead the charset you have select/you are using in your system/browser?

      • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
      • 24,524 Posts
      Check the site configuration (Tools -> Configuration) and make sure that is set to use utf-8.
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        • 17705
        • 501 Posts
        yep, its utf8 there...

        the hard code <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> is in source_editor.html aparently, maybe in other files too...

        btw, I was wrong... it is not RTE, templates are not edited using the RTE....
          • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
          • 24,524 Posts
          Well, that’s odd, because those frames all get the charset from the config array. Hmm. Check your assets/cache/siteCache.idx.php file; do a search for $c[’modx_charset’] (should be around line cool
          $c['modx_charset'] = "UTF-8";

            Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
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            • 17705
            • 501 Posts
            yep, it is there...
            but the line I post up there is hard coded... I see it in the file

            oh, btw2, it not looks like a RTE, but it is a tinymce editor...

            there are other files with that line too, tinymce related
              • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
              • 24,524 Posts
              That’s what has me puzzled; TinyMCE has nothing at all to do with template editing.
                Studying MODX in the desert - http://sottwell.com
                Tips and Tricks from the MODX Forums and Slack Channels - http://modxcookbook.com
                Join the Slack Community - http://modx.org
                • 17705
                • 501 Posts
                are you sure?

                I saw that code frame, and iso8859-1 code was there...

                then I searched the files and saw it there...

                it cames from somewhere
                  • 17705
                  • 501 Posts
                  oks, yep... I have added some code to that file to see if it apears, and nothing...

                  I have no idea where is coming that iso8859-1...

                  Im going to download the whole site, and database... to look it better...
                    • 10487 MODX Staff
                    • 1,535 Posts
                    The character set used in the Manager is now specified in the relevant language files. In the Spanish language file (which I’m assuming you’re using), the specified character set is:
                    $modx_manager_charset = 'iso-8859-1';

                    I suspect that’s the root of your problems smiley I also suspect that the tinyMCE source_editor.htm is not actually utilized by MODx, but just comes as part of the stock tinyMCE distribution that we use.
                      Garry Nutting
                      Senior Developer
                      MODX, LLC

                      Email: [email protected]
                      Twitter: @garryn
                      Web: modx.com
                      • 17705
                      • 501 Posts
                      yep, I saw that in the language files, prior install it...
                      so I changed install and core spanish files to utf8
                      and changed that line to $modx_manager_charset = ’UTF-8’;

                      but.... there is always a but... I forgot to upload it!!!!

