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    • 17851
    • 213 Posts
    Sorry about this...I’ve searched the other threads but haven’t figured out my problem yet. I’m using 096p2, TinyMCE 3101a. My permissions on the images folder are 777. I can upload images via the FCK/MCPuck image browser and the thumbnails are created. I can verify this by using the direct url (eg, domain/assets/images/.thumb_myimage.jpg). But when viewed in the image browser, i don’t see the thumbs. When I use the FCK url (http://domain/assets/plugins/tinymce3101/mcpuk/connectors/php/connector.php?Command=Thumbnail&Type=images&CurrentFolder=/&FileName=tower_40.jpg&ExtraParams=) it does not show. In fact, I don’t get an error either, just the same URL string in the window. GD is enabled, so is mime_magic. I don’t believe it’s always been this way, but it might have been.
      Mark Macatee
      Power 10 Solutions
      • 17851
      • 213 Posts
      Anybody got any ideas on this? I’m having this problem on several of my sites now. Interesting thing, it’s not a problem when the site is new, but over time, it seems to happen.
        Mark Macatee
        Power 10 Solutions
        • 7231
        • 4,205 Posts
        But when viewed in the image browser, i don’t see the thumbs.
        Do you not see the thumbs, but you do see the generic image icons? Or are you seeing nothing at all?

        Maybe try updating to 0963.
          [font=Verdana]Shane Sponagle | [wiki] Snippet Call Anatomy | MODx Developer Blog | [nettuts] Working With a Content Management Framework: MODx

          Something is happening here, but you don't know what it is.
          Do you, Mr. Jones? - [bob dylan]
          • 21225
          • 3 Posts
          have you tried going into the folder and looking for a .thumb file? if you have one, delete it and let the editor make a new one.
            • 17851
            • 213 Posts
            I see the file names and the corresponding delete/rename/edit icons, arranged in grid fashion. So, everything but the thumbnail.

            I can type the URL to the thumb and see it in a browser, so I know its "world-readable". Also, I tried: 1) chown’ed the thumbs to an admin type user name (ie, not apache), 2) deleted the thumbs to let them be recreated. Still no luck.
              Mark Macatee
              Power 10 Solutions