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    • 33044
    • 3 Posts
    I am experimenting with YAMS and I can’t configure the base URL. I have my website in a subfolder and whenever I switch on my template as multilingual, YAMS redirects me to the server root.

    I first looked at .htaccess but I now think that it is the plugin because the <base href="(yams_server)"></base> outputs the server root url rather than the website base url. I have tried to change the "server name" in the language parameters tab but when I submit, it reverts to the previous value.

    Can somebody help me?
    • There’s a setting in the "Other Params" tab, near the bottom, "MODx Subdirectory".
      If MODx is installed into/configured as active within a subdirectory, eg: http://www.mysite.com/sub1/sub2/index.php, then this parameter should be set to the subdirectory path: sub1/sub2 with no trailing or leading slash.
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        • 33044
        • 3 Posts
        It works smiley

        I must have been starring too much at the screen to not see this. Thank you for your help.