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    • 30672
    • 180 Posts
    hi everyone!

    i have a little problem with calling multilingual TV’s.

    i explain :

    i have a page based on a modele called INDEX.
    in the modele, i call the content with : [*content*]

    in the page based on this modele, in the content area, i have a DITTO call, as follow (it’s in the FRENCH tab):
    this ditto calls the children pages.

    [[Ditto?extenders=`@FILE assets/modules/yams/yams.extender.inc.php`&parents=`1`&depth=`1`&tpl=`home` &noResults=` ` &orderBy=`menuindex ASC`]]

    here is the chunk HOME:

    <div id="titre-accueil">[+titre-accueil+]</div>
    <div id="main-2col-gauche-collec"><img src="[+image-news+]" width="280" height="210" align="center"/></div>
    <div id="main-2col-droite-collec">[+content+]</div>
    <p class="clear"></p>

    the problem is that my TV Titre-accueil isn’t displayed on my page.

    where do i have to specify the language settings ?

    thanks for your answer !

      • 30672
      • 180 Posts
      no one has a clue ?

      the documentation is not very clear (for me)(http://rtfm.modx.com/display/ADDON/YAMS+Custom+Multilingual+Tvs-Chunks-Snippets), an exemple would save me smiley

        • 30672
        • 180 Posts
        ok i found, here is the explanation, in french cause i’m speaking french (alone... grin)

        tu as tes TV, toto_fr et toto_en

        dans le chunk tutu, tu appelles ta tv toto comme ceci :

        [[YAMS? &get=`data` &from=`toto` &docid=`[+id+]`]]

        ensuite, sur la page, le ditto comme ceci:

        [[Ditto?extenders=`@FILE assets/modules/yams/yams.extender.inc.php`&parents=`1`&depth=`1`&tpl=`tutu` &noResults=` ` &orderBy=`menuindex ASC`]]
          • 5493
          • 6 Posts
          thank U for the

          [[YAMS? &get=`data` &from=`toto` &docid=`[+id+]`]]

          I got exactly the same problem, and it perfectly works whith it.
            • 33238
            • 388 Posts
            Quote from: troubadour at Mar 22, 2011, 04:09 PM
            ok i found, here is the explanation, in french cause i'm speaking french (alone...  grin)

            tu as tes TV, toto_fr et toto_en

            dans le chunk tutu, tu appelles ta tv toto comme ceci :

            [[YAMS? &get=`data` &from=`toto` &docid=`[+id+]`]]

            ensuite, sur la page, le ditto comme ceci:

            [[Ditto?extenders=`@FILE assets/modules/yams/yams.extender.inc.php`&parents=`1`&depth=`1`&tpl=`tutu` &noResults=` ` &orderBy=`menuindex ASC`]]

            Your post saved my life tonight wink
            Thank you!