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    • 16182
    • 56 Posts
    When using [tt][[YAMS? &get=`data` &docid=`[+wf.docid+]` &from=`pagetitle`]][/tt] as it is done in the wayfinder [tt]row.tpl[/tt], [tt]pagetitle[/tt] resolves always to the multilingual version, e.g. [tt]pagetitle_en[/tt]. That’s not good for the monolingual pages, where it should remain [tt]pagetitle[/tt].

    I understand that the macro snippet then creates a placeholder like [tt]((yams_data:123:pagetitle_en))[/tt] which then retrieves the content of the right template variable. However, even if the [tt]get data[/tt] command were producing a [tt]((yams_data:123:pagetitle))[/tt] placeholder, this doesn’t seem to work as [tt]pagetitle[/tt] is a native field name of MODx and not a template variable.

    In short: How can I include monolingual documents in my wayfinder menus. The documents are actually present with a link, but the correct title is not shown.
      • 16182
      • 56 Posts
      Following the code for [tt]&get=data[/tt] to the [tt]MultiLangExpand[/tt] function in [tt]yams.class.inc.php[/tt] I found that actually the old [tt]&get=content[/tt] call solves part of the problem. It produces a [tt]pagetitle_en[/tt] for the multilingual document and a [tt]pagetitle[/tt] for the monolingual document. So far so good.

      Remains the problem of resolving [tt]((yams_data:doc_id:pagetitle))[/tt] (and the fact that you plan to abolish the [tt]&get=content[/tt] command.
        • 16182
        • 56 Posts